About Unhandled Errors - Designer - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Designer

Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2

Unhandled errors are thrown by the system and are not previously known to the user.

Unhandled errors are technical system exceptions such as an activity failing due to issues with the Internet connection or websites not being available.

Such errors are addressed by the concept of Workflow Activity.

In case of unhandled errors being thrown inside the process, the workflow execution continues with the section "On Unhandled Error". As soon as a system exception is thrown, the unhandled error section is executed and, because of the default placed, TakeScreenshot activity will execute a screenshot.

Furthermore, the Clean Application Exit is executed at the beginning of this block to ensure an empty screen before starting to execute the defined strategy. This guarantees that the block is equally usable for errors of different types and at different points in the process.

At the end of the section, we have a RaiseErrorActivity used to re-throw the previous error to provide this information to the user. The user is free to set an error remark and ID for the error.

Hyland recommends re-throwing the error remark thrown by the system. The default placed RaiseErrorActivity is already pre-populated for this. The error remark and ID is written in the database and can be viewed in Hyland RPA Manager.