RegEx Matches searches for a pattern and returns as a result all matches that match the given pattern and thereby enables the user to get all occurrences of a given expression inside an input text. The matches are returned by the activity as an IEnumerable of Strings, means a list of all matched expressions.
You can either search for a known or unknown expression and, in the case of the latter, define the pattern of the expression using our wizard.
Known Pattern
Step 1: Pattern configuration
- First you have to decide whether you want to provide a static keyword or search for the value of a variable.
- Secondly, you have to provide the necessary input (either the keyword itself or a variable containing the keyword).
- Under Configuration you
can select the following check boxes:
- Stand alone expression search: Your search is restricted to keywords that are located between word and non-word characters (e. g. a space or a colon). This might be helpful if you want to assure that you will only match a substring which consists of word characters and is enclosed by spaces (or any other non-word character). Instances where your pattern is enclosed by other word characters would not result in a match.
- Case sensitive enabled: Differentiation between lower-case and upper-case letters (e. g. matches if pattern is "Test: word" and string is "Test: word". This would not be the case if the string is "test: word").
Step 2: Test pattern on example test
- Type your example text into the text-box (here: "This is a test").
- Click Test.
- The table presents you the results based on the keyword which you generated in the first section Pattern Configuration (here: "test"). You will see all matches that were found in the table Results. If there is more than one match each result will be displayed on a separate line.
Step 3: Define output
- Check this box if you want the return the first match as a string.
- Check this box if you want to return all matches as IEnumerable<Match>. You can then use this output to proceed with the process (e. g. by iterating over these matches).
- Finally, select the variable(s) that should store your values.
Unknown Pattern
Step 1: Pattern configuration
- Select the type of the pattern you want to
search for (Word, Text, Number, Integer, EmailAddress or TelephoneNumber).
- Word: Matches one or more word characters (e. g. "my" and "life" in "my life" but not "l.i.f.e" in "my l.i.f.e").
- Text: Matches any character (except a new line) zero or more times.
- Number: Matches any positive or negative number with "." or "," as thousand/decimal separator (e. g. "1.787", "-1,000.00", "1").
- Integer: Matches any positive or negative whole number (e. g. "10", "-23" but not "2.2", "1,000").
- EmailAddress: Matches all common email addresses with an @-sign in between and .xx, .xxx, .xxxx at the end (e. g. but not "myemailcmail", "myemail@cmail.c").
- TelephoneNumber: Matches one or more digits including the characters "+", "*", "#", "(", ")" and "-" (e. g. "+49 (0)170 8976768" but not "1,700,000.00€").
- You can provide a minimal or/and maximal length of the pattern you are searching for. This length does not include any characters that appear after or before the pattern.
- Specify the position at which you expect your
pattern to appear
- After: You expect that your pattern appears after a given substring and you type this substring into the text-box next to After (e. g. if string = "[…] Your Email: […]" you would check the box After and enter "Your Email: " into the text-box)
- Before: You expect that your pattern appears before a given substring and you type this substring into the text-box next to Before (e. g. if string = "[…] 78988776 (customer number) […]" then you would check the box Before and enter " (customer number)" in the text-box)
- Under Configurations you
can select one or both of the following check boxes:
- Stand alone expression search: Your search is restricted to patterns that are located between word and non-word characters (e. g. a space or a colon). This might be helpful if you want to assure that you will only match a substring which consists of word characters and is enclosed by spaces (or any other non-word character). Instances where your pattern is enclosed by other word characters would not result in a match (e. g. matches if pattern is "(c\w+)" and stand alone expression search is checked: "My cat cannot be replaced by a dog." However, when you leave it unchecked the result will change: "My cat cannot be replaced by a dog.").
- Case sensitive enabled: Differentiation between lower-case and upper-case letters (e. g. matches if pattern is "Test: \s*(\w+)" and string is "Test: word". This would not be the case if the string is "test: word").
- The Pattern text-box shows you the RegEx pattern that has been created as a result of your selection. If your pattern needs adjustment, this is the place to customize your pattern even further.
Step 2: Test pattern on example test
- Type your example text into the text-box.
- Click Test.
- The table presents you the results based on the
pattern which you generated in the first section Pattern
Configuration (here: "\s(\w+)\s(\w+)\s" (We search for two words separated
and enclosed by spaces)).
- Match: The first column shows you the index of the match. Since we have only one match in our example, all values are equal to 0 (remember that an index starts with 0 and not with 1).
- Group: The second column shows you the indexes of the different groups of each match. Note that the index 0 always refers to the entire match.
- Content: The final column shows you the actual content of your matches and their respective groups.
Step 3: Define Output
- Check this box if you want the return the first match as a string.
- Check this box if you want to return all matches as IEnumerable<Match>. You can then use this output to proceed with the process (e. g. by iterating over these matches)).
- Finally, select the variable(s) that should store your values.