The Process Types DataCollector and Processor - Designer - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Designer

Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2

To enable high scalability in automation, Hyland RPA distinguishes between DataCollector (DCO) and Processor (PRO) process types.

This topic describes how these process types interact.

The DataCollector (DCO) collects all available tasks at a predefined frequency. An event triggers the DCO, for example every day at 8:00 a.m. or every 30 minutes. The DCO then begins to evaluate all work items in the inbox, for example Outlook items, work items in SAP, or new rows in an Excel spreadsheet. Depending on the predefined rules, the DCO then creates a Processor (PRO) task for each work item and assigns it a unique identifier, such as a mail ID or ticket ID.

The primary purpose of the DCO is to create and feed the database with these tasks. When finished, the DCO closes each application. The PRO tasks are now created and ready to run. Depending on their skills, the robots move on to the next processable task as soon as they are out of work. In this case, skills are defined by the licenses and permissions a customer has in their own system.

When creating a new project, you have always the ability to choose your type of process in the skeletons (1) and also in the workspace (2).