Comparing Variables - Designer - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Designer

Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2
  • The following code sets the value of a string.

    myString = "Thank God It's Monday"
  • The following code checks whether string equals provided input; returns: False.

    myBoolean = myString.Equals("Monday")
  • The following code checks whether string contains provided input; returns: True.

    myBoolean = myString.Contains("Monday") 
  • The following code checks whether string starts with provided input; returns: False.

    myBoolean = myString.StartsWith("Monday") 
  • The following code checks whether string ends with provided input; returns: True.

    myBoolean = myString.EndsWith("Monday")
  • The following code returns -1 if t1 is earlier than t2, returns 0 if t1 is the same as t2 and returns 1 if t1 is later than t2.

    myInteger = DateTime.Compare(t1, t2)