Check if two variables are equal
myIntegerA = myIntegerB
Check if two variables are not equal
myIntegerA <> myIntegerB
Checks if variable of the left side is smaller than the variable on the right side of the equation
myIntegerA < myIntegerB
Check if variable of the left side is larger than the variable on the right side of the equation
myIntegerA > myIntegerB
Check if variable of the left side is smaller than or equal to the variable on the right side of the equation
myIntegerA <= myInteger
Checks if variable of the left side is greater than or equal to the variable on the right side of the equation
myIntegerA >= myInteger
Both conditions must be true for the whole expression to be true
myIntegerA = myIntegerB And myIntegerC > myIntegerB
At least one conditions must be true for the whole expression to be true
myIntegerA = myIntegerB Or myIntegerC > myIntegerB
Exactly one condition must be true for the whole expression to be true
myIntegerA = myIntegerB Xor myIntegerC > myIntegerB
Exactly one condition must be true for the whole expression to be true
myIntegerA = myIntegerB Xor myIntegerC > myIntegerB
Negates the logical expression; here: Both conditions inside the brackets must be false for the whole expression to be true
Not (myIntegerA = myIntegerB Or myIntegerC > myIntegerB)