The following code initializes an array.
{ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday" }
The following code sets the second element in the array.
myStringArray(1) = "Friday"
The following code gets the first element in the array.
myString = myStringArray(0)
The following code sorts an array in ascending order.
The following code calculates the sum of all array elements.
The following code retrieves the lowest value in the array.
The following code retrieves the number of elements in the array.
The following code calculates the average of all array elements.
The following code splits a string on a single character (here: every time when a comma is found); returns an array of strings (if the separator is not found, the original string will be returned).
mySplittedArray = myString.Split(CChar(","))
The following code splits a string every time when a "Thursday" appears in the string; returns an array of strings (if the separator is not found, the original string will be returned).
mySplittedArray = myString.Split(New String() { "Thursday" }, StringSplitOptions.None)