Activating a License Online - Hyland RPA - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA

Hyland RPA
Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2
Hyland RPA supports either online or offline license activation. Learn how you can activate your license online.
  1. Log on to the Customer Portal.
  2. In the left pane, click Hyland RPA or Hyland RPA Platform.
  3. Go to the product page you want to activate, by either clicking on Details or the text/logo.
  4. Copy a valid license key from the tab Licenses & Activations into your clipboard
  5. Open the application & follow the on-screen instructions to activate your license.
  6. Enter your 32-characters license key here.
  7. Click on Activate to register your device.
  8. To request a trial license key, click on the request trial link to insert your data to access the portal.
  9. If you want to manage or access your licenses, click on the Customer Portal link to log on and view all products.

    After clicking Activate , the tool tries to activate your device online first - if this is successful you are redirected to the Start window to start capturing processes.

    If online registration is not possible, you will be notified by the following screen

    1. If you want to retry registration and go to the first screen, click Retry.
    2. If you want to continue offline registration, click Continue.