Fundamentals - Hyland RPA - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA

Hyland RPA
Hyland RPA
Foundation 23.2


In the MainScriptRunner, no matter if DCO or PRO, only the following activities should be included:

  • Scope Activities, such as Open Browser or Open Application.
  • Microbots
  • Decisions / Switches

Golden Rule

To automate processes with RPA Designer, it is required to understand the general structure of displayed workflows. The scope-based modulation principal of RPA Designer must be considered in every case.

Follow the Golden Rule of modulation within RPA Designer. To build your processes, use the following scopes:

  • Scope 0 - The Microbot Scope


    Structure your processes so that the upper layer of your Hyland RPA Designer flowchart will only contain the fundamental logic of your process. In best cases, scope 0 will only contain Microbots, Buildingblocks and Decisions.

  • Scope 1 - The Application Scope

    Applications, Decisions, Microbots

    This scope is meant to give an overview about the different applications used for the corresponding Microbot/Buildingblock. In here, try to use necessary Decisions, Loops and Microbots.

  • Scope 2 - The Window Scope

    The Window-Scope will illustrate the logic happening within the corresponding superordinated application. Try to use only windows, Decisions, Loops and Microbots

  • Scope 3 - The Activity Scope

    The activity scope is meant to be your lowest scope level. In this scope all activities for a certain window/application take place such as Get Cell Value or Click Element. Besides the Activities Loops, Decisions or Microbots can be placed in this scope.

Decision or If Activity

Within the Flowchart, use the Decision activity in case you want to split up the flow of activities.

To create a decision within any Sequence, use the If activity, whose layout is optimized for this use case.

Flowchart or Sequence

In general, use a flowchart to better represent Decisions and different branches. A flowchart should also be prioritized for straightforward processes, so that it can be extended more easily if necessary.


To be able to control, monitor and trace a process, use so-called logs (WriteLog activities) after certain events in the process. The description of the log must be self-explanatory and unique.

  • After Decisions, to understand the decision path
  • When reading out data, to check whether the data is correct and has been completely read out.
  • When assigning variables to another type, to check if the variable is assigned correctly.