Creating a SQL Server Authenticated User - Installation and Update - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Installation

Hyland RPA
Installation and Update
Foundation 23.2
As the installation scripts and connection strings do not support Windows Authentication, you need to create a user that uses SQL Server Authentication. Do the following:
  1. In SQL Server Management Studio, in the left pane, right-click on the server and then select Properties.
  2. In the Server Properties dialog box, in the left pane, select Security.
  3. Below Server authentication, select SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode and then click OK.
  4. In the left pane, expand the Security section.
  5. Right-click on Logins and then select New Login.
  6. In the Login - New dialog box:
    1. In the Login name field, enter the login name.
    2. Select SQL Server authentication.
    3. In the Password field, enter the password and confirm it in the Confirm password field.
    4. Clear Enforce password policy and Enforce password expiration.
    5. In the left pane, select Server Roles.
    6. Below Server roles, select public and sysadmin.
    7. Click OK.
  7. Close SQL Server Management Studio.
  8. Launch SQL Server Configuration Manager.
  9. In the left pane, select SQL Server Services.
  10. In the middle pane, right-click SQL Server an then select Restart.
  11. To verify that the user can connect to SQL Server, launch SQL Server Management Studio.
  12. In the Connect to Server dialog box:
    1. In the Server name field, change the server name to localhost.1433 or [your server name].[port number].
    2. From the Authentication drop-down list, select SQL Server Authentication.
    3. Enter the User name and Password created in the previous steps and then click Connect.