Writing Permissions - Installation and Update - Foundation 23.2 - Foundation 23.2 - Ready - Hyland RPA - external

Hyland RPA Installation

Hyland RPA
Installation and Update
Foundation 23.2

This topic lists the write permissions required for the RPA applications:

Hyland RPA Analyst

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Muse

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Data (Logs, Settings, Recent Projects)

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\AnotherMonday\Muse

    You can modify this path in the AM.Muse.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.

  • Temp Folder


    This path cannot be modified.

Hyland RPA Designer

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Composer

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Data Location (Activities, Backup, Libraries, Logs, Microbots, Settings, Custom Skeletons, Templates, Workflows)

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\AnotherMonday\Composer

    You can modify this path in the AM.Composer.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.

  • Temp Folder


    This path cannot be modified.

Hyland WorkflowRobot

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\AnotherMonday\Composer\Activities

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the Activities installation using the MSI package.

  • Base Path

    The WorkflowRobot uses the info value PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH from the database to determine where to write the log files. If the info value does not exist in the database, it will be created with the default value C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols.

  • In the PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH, the WorflowRobot creates a sub-folder for each processor. Within the Processor sub-folder, a sub-folder is created for each task and retry.

    Example: C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols/<ProcessorDescription>/<TaskId>[-RetryNo_<IncreasingNo>]

Hyland RPA Manager

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Console

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Data (Assets, Plug-ins, Shared, Temp, Translation)

    Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.

  • Logs

    Default: Installation folder.

    You can modify this path in the AM.Console.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.

    Example: <file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="Logs\Info-AM.Console.log" />

  • Console Settings

    <add key="ApplicationSettingsPath" value="$YourPath"/>

Hyland RPA Conductor

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Conductor

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Logs

    Default: %TEMP%\Am.Net.Core.Conductor.log

    You can modify this path in the CONDUCTOR_LOG_FILE in Hyland RPA Manager - System Table Info.

  • Process Screenshots and Logs Default

    Default: C:\AnotherMonday\Logs\(Screenshots)

    You can modify this path in the LOGPATH and SCREENDUMPPATH in Hyland RPA Manager - System Table Info.

  • Pre- and PostLaunch

    If scripts are configured for the TaskManager, write permissions are required for the paths used there.

Hyland RDA Conductor

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\ConductorRDA

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Logs

    Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.

  • Configurations


    This path cannot be modified.

Hyland RPA Launcher

  • Installation Folder

    Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Conductor

    You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.

  • Application Logs

    Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.

  • Configurations


    This path cannot be modified.