This topic lists the write permissions required for the RPA applications:
Hyland RPA Analyst
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Muse
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Data (Logs, Settings, Recent Projects)
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\AnotherMonday\Muse
You can modify this path in the AM.Muse.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.
Temp Folder
This path cannot be modified.
Hyland RPA Designer
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Composer
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Data Location (Activities, Backup, Libraries, Logs, Microbots, Settings, Custom Skeletons, Templates, Workflows)
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\AnotherMonday\Composer
You can modify this path in the AM.Composer.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.
Temp Folder
This path cannot be modified.
Hyland WorkflowRobot
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\AnotherMonday\Composer\Activities
You can modify the installation folder when you run the Activities installation using the MSI package.
Base Path
The WorkflowRobot uses the info value PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH from the database to determine where to write the log files. If the info value does not exist in the database, it will be created with the default value C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols.
In the PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH, the WorflowRobot creates a sub-folder for each processor. Within the Processor sub-folder, a sub-folder is created for each task and retry.
Example: C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols/<ProcessorDescription>/<TaskId>[-RetryNo_<IncreasingNo>]
Hyland RPA Manager
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Console
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Data (Assets, Plug-ins, Shared, Temp, Translation)
Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.
Default: Installation folder.
You can modify this path in the AM.Console.exe.config file. If the path in the file is missing or invalid, the folders are created in the installation folder.
Example: <file type="log4net.Util.PatternString" value="Logs\Info-AM.Console.log" />
Console Settings
<add key="ApplicationSettingsPath" value="$YourPath"/>
Hyland RPA Conductor
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Conductor
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Logs
Default: %TEMP%\Am.Net.Core.Conductor.log
You can modify this path in the CONDUCTOR_LOG_FILE in Hyland RPA Manager - System Table Info.
Process Screenshots and Logs Default
Default: C:\AnotherMonday\Logs\(Screenshots)
You can modify this path in the LOGPATH and SCREENDUMPPATH in Hyland RPA Manager - System Table Info.
Pre- and PostLaunch
If scripts are configured for the TaskManager, write permissions are required for the paths used there.
Hyland RDA Conductor
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\ConductorRDA
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Logs
Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.
This path cannot be modified.
Hyland RPA Launcher
Installation Folder
Default: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Programs\Another Monday\Conductor
You can modify the installation folder when you run the installation using the MSI package.
Application Logs
Installation folder, this path cannot be modified.
This path cannot be modified.