Hyland RPA Analyst
The following new features appear in this release:
- Menu redesign - new look and better user experience incl. removal of the Start window
- Edge Chromium is now possible to open and document using Selenium
- Delete Run: implement a separate pop-up to request if this run really should be deleted
- New logging functionality
- OfficeExporter Enterprise Plugin is now included in the application again
- Update of Chrome and Edge driver to version 89
The following bugs are fixed within this release:
- Key recording not reacting to application shortcuts anymore
- Formatting errors of the Office exports are fixed
We are aware of the following bugs:
- "System.NullReferenceException" is thrown as an error sporadically during indication. The first workaround is to restart the Smart Indicator and make sure a rectangle is shown during indication. The second workaround is to indicate the element by turning on the Smart Indicator, press ALT or CTRL+Drag the rectangle on your own
This version of the Hyland RPA Analyst is compatible with the following versions of Hyland RPA:
- Hyland RPA Designer 1.38.8
- Hyland RPA Activities 1.38.8
Hyland RPA Designer
The following new features appear in this release:
- Menu and project metadata restructuring:
- Customer and Author setting of a project is not mandatory anymore
- Removal of the Parameters setting: Customers, Users and Environment settings are managed in the project only
- Designer Settings (non-project related settings) are saved immediately now
- All artefacts are visible and expandable now (if you are not in an application or window scope with an already set up artefact). Artefacts that cannot be used in the current scope are not draggable though.
- Better logging when an activity or a project could not be loaded
- We improved the search for activities a little bit
- Workflow Backup: Popup shows the location for the backup now and file extension is .ampro now
- Self-explanatory error message for the licensing check when the system time was changed manually
- Send Mail feature from Quick Access Toolbar was removed
- RobotMetadata.xml is not shown in the Solution Explorer anymore
- Smaller adjustments of the user interface to improve the design and user experience
The following bugs are fixed within this release:
- Ampro converter: Smaller issues of the automatically running converters (when opening an older *.ampro file with a newer activity version) are fixed.
- Projects with a "." in the name can be created without an error now.
- The issue was fixed where text that was entered into the Input text field of an input popup was not applied to the activities properties when ENTER was pressed
- We are removing not supported characters from annotations automatically now. In the past, using non-supported characters in annotations prevented the project from being saved.
- The order of elements in the Quick Access Toolbar is now stored and applied correctly
- We fixed the bug where it was not possible to map generic types like Dictionaries for Microbots with variables or arguments of the parent workflow
- Test database connection shows progress and status of the test.
- Solution explorer: Search feature works again.
- No error anymore when a user opens the Designer by double-clicking a project file when the Designer license is not activated
- We resolved some cases where multiple "You have unsaved changes" popups were shown
This version of the Hyland RPA Designer is compatible with the following versions of Hyland RPA:
- Hyland RPA Analyst 1.38.8
- Hyland RPA Activities 1.38.8
Hyland RPA Activities
The following new features appear in this release:
- New OnBase Activities: In general, the new OnBase activities support loose keyword types and keyword type groups but not multi-instance keyword type groups for now.
- OnBase Scope:: Scope activity that is used as a session. Set up general connection settings here and place the other OnBase activities inside the scope.
- Get Keywords: Retrieves all keyword type names and their values from a specified document.
- Add Keyword: Adds a keyword value to a specified document.
- Modify Keyword: Modifies a keyword value of a specified document.
- Remove Keyword: Removes a keyword value from a specified document.
- Indicate with result:
- We improved the feature to test the selector value. If you click the Test Selector button a search is performed on the window the element was indicated on. Found elements are highlighted and the number is shown. This lets you test the selector live without having to restart your workflow and makes experimenting with different properties and wildcards easy.
- A Checkbox that allows selecting/unselecting all selector attributes at once was added.
- Furthermore, the view was cleaned up a bit and comes with functionalities like Reindicate, Reset Selector, Close, and Save now.
- Highlighting of target elements for development, testing, and debugging workflows: Target Activities have a new property called Show Debug Borders (under Element/Target). If the checkbox is checked the target element, this activity will perform an action on, will be highlighted before the activity is executed. The highlighting will be performed when the workflow is executed in the Designer or in the WorkflowRobot.
- SAP Automation Provider: We are supporting all attributes of SAP selector values now!
- Execute Query:
- Supports a password tag for Connection String now so that the password can be provided as a variable (e.g. in combination with the GetPassoword and Username activity. )
- Support for Oracle databases and PostGreSQL databases
- Create Dictionary: Comes with an editor for Dictionaries of primitive types now (e.g. for Dictionaries with generic types of integers, doubles, strings, booleans,…)
- PDF Scope: New PDF provider Doc Net that tends to provide better-formatted results than the older PdfClown provider was added. We are still supporting PdfClown though for backward compatibility.
- Click Image: The search region can be edited using snipping now. After capturing the screenshot click on the burger menu (the three bars) on the right side of the activity and select Capture Search Region.
- Update of Chrome and Edge driver to version 89
- Open/Attach Browser Activities: New Session Name property (only supported for Chrome currently). If this property is left blank a new session will be created on each run (as it was before). If this property is filled with a name, the session will be reused in different runs. This allows sharing e.g., cookies between multiple runs. Be aware that sessions are only shared on one machine and one user. Therefore, you most probably still need to support cases in your workflow where the session is blank.
- New Define Proxy Activity: A new activity that creates a definition of a proxy either manually or by reading the system-defined proxy. This proxy definition can be then passed to the HTTP/SOAP Request Activities to route their requests to the defined proxy.
- Location of Acceptance Protocols:
- Base path: The WorkflowRobot uses an info value from the database to determine where the protocol files should be written. The name of the info value is PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH. If the info value does not exist on the database it will be created with a default value of "C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols".
- In your PROTOCOL_FOLDERPATH the WorflowRobot creates a subfolder for each Processor. Inside the Processor subfolder, it creates a subfolder for each Task and retry (retries do not override the protocol files anymore). The complete, default path looks like this: "C:/AnotherMonday/Protocols/<ProcessorDescription>/<TaskId>[-RetryNo_<IncreasingNo>]"
- Be aware that these changes might need adjustments in other processes that are dependent on the location of protocols (e.g. post-launch scripts that attempt to copy protocol files)
- Invoke Command Shell:
- Was renamed to Invoke Shell Command
- Commands are specified in one single property
- Supports asynchronous and synchronous calls
- Synchronous calls return the exit code and output of the command
- Set Text: Adjustable delay between clearing and setting the input for FocusAndSendKeys method
- HTTP Request:
- If Body serialization is set to None the object is not serialized and you can set the content-type header on your own
- JSON serialization is perfomed by NewtonSoft's Json.Net now. This should increase compatibility for different types and decrease risk of errors during serialization.
- Get Environment Variables: Besides selecting a variable by writing its name on your own there is a drop-down now allowing you to choose from all current environment variables.
- Open Word Document: New Open Read-Only property that allows opening a word file in read-only mode so that other processes can open the word file with write access at the same time.
- Create Task: New created tasks with task status Stopped, Finished With Success, Error Aborted or Cancelled have a start and end time set to the current time now. This allows showing these tasks in the Hyland RPA Manager from now on.
- Press Hotkey: Live search for the Key while setting up the properties of the activity.
- Get Mail Messages (Outlook): Supports Appointment and Meeting items now.
- Add single/multiple file(s) to Zip Archive: Create new if not existent option to create a new zip archive.
- Invoke Workflow:
- IsRelativePath property was removed. The activity identifies if the path is a relative path on its own now.
- Design time warnings if arguments are defined on the activity which are not defined on the workflow itself.
- We improved the tooltips, input popups, representation, categories, icons, and names of multiple activities and properties
- WorkflowRobot supports environment variables in config files now
- Find in Datatable: The column name is automatically escaped. Be aware that you need to escape single quote ' characters in the Search Value property on your own by adding an additional single quote ''.
- Remove Table Row/Column: Row/Column is required now
- Get Password: This activity is hidden now. Use the Get Password and Username activity instead and leave the Username property blank if you don't need it.
- Open/Attach Browser/Application activities: The Application property has been removed as it was not needed.
- The old, hidden Auto IT activities have been removed. Occurrences of these activities in older workflows will be automatically replaced with the Send Key and Send Hotkey activities.
- Parse Date: Activity was removed.
The following bugs are fixed within this release:
- Excel activities: Overhaul of many Excel activities to keep results consistent using different Excel providers and file formats. Please test the results of the activities on your particular use case as small changes in the behavior of the Excel activities could not be avoided.
- CSV activities: Overhaul of the CSV activities for better support of the CSV format and standards. Please test the results of the activities on your particular use case as small changes in the behavior of the CSV activities could not be avoided.
- Press Key: General overhaul to fix multiple bugs where characters were skipped etc.
- SAP Automation Provider: The Id attribute in SAP selector values is not case sensitive for wildcard searches anymore.
- WorkflowRobot: Logs unhandled exceptions to the log file now
- Ampro converter: Smaller issues of the automatically running converters (when opening an older *.ampro file with a newer activity version) are fixed.
- Create Table: When changing the column data type and browsing for more types all types are shown now.
- Click Element: We fixed the clicking behaviors of the SAP, Java, and Native Web automation providers when using the API Call Click Method and different Click Types. In the past, some of these Click Types were not supported and just executed as a single left click.
- Retry Scope: You can use one out of multiple activities in the Condition of the Retry Scope now.
- Send Mail Messages (Outlook): Attachments of mails that are provided in the Mail Message property are now attached correctly
- Get Mail Messages (Outlook and Exchange): Mails are retrieved synchronously now. This allows you to iterate over the return and delete the mails on the server at the same time. Be aware that the initial runtime and data size requirements of the Get Mail Messages activity may have increased. Getting a large number of mails may take a while now as we are not retrieving them just in time anymore.
- Get Mail Messages (Outlook, IMAP, and POP3): The Maximum Mails property is interpreted correctly now (counts the number of the actually retrieved mails and 0 means no limit)
- Delete Column: Deleting a column from a table in excel did not work using SyncFusion (in the past this deleted just the whole column of the worksheet). The activity now throws an exception if you are attempting to delete a table column using SyncFusion. You are still able to delete a whole column from the worksheet using SyncFusion if you leave the Table property blank.
- Get Siblings from Element: The activity can retrieve siblings from iFrame elements in Selenium now
- Set Cell Value: Throws an exception now if you are trying to write into a column that does not exist
- Excel Sort Table: The Range property is not required anymore. Therefore, you can sort a whole table now.
- Add Table Row: You can add rows from another table now. This allows you to copy rows from one table to another.
- We fixed issues where the Smart Indicator popup was moved into the center of the screen or out of the screen if you are using multiple monitors with different scaling settings.
- Properties that are changed in the visual representation of the activity are now changed in the property pane even if the expression leads to a validation error.
- Tesseract Engine: OCR models can be loaded from paths now that contain non-ASCII characters
- Regex Activities: We corrected the labels on the regex wizards
- Set Text: Is renamed automatically now when you edit the Text property in the input popup
- Moment X Reached: Validation errors are shown on the Moment X Reached activity as well
- Format Dictionary: Dictionary property value from input popup is applied to the properties correctly now
This version of the Hyland RPA Activities is compatible with the following versions of Hyland RPA:
- Hyland RPA Analyst 1.38.8
- Hyland RPA Designer 1.38.8
Hyland RPA Launcher
The following new features appear in this release:
- Since the plugin is delivered with the Analyst, from version 1.38.8 of the Analyst there will be no plugin available to install
- Uninstalling the LoginService will unregister and uninstall all parts of the LoginService
- Switch from log4net to serilog
- Product configuration depends on version numbers
- Product codes to find registry entries and manage installations
- Use MSI upgrade codes to manage components
Hyland RPA Manager
The following new features appear in this release:
- Assigning of Task Types to Processor
- Create New Task: Show only Task types which are assigned to Processors
- Switch from log4net to serilog
- Add Column "Name" for Task Manager
Hyland RPA Conductor
The following new features appear in this release:
- If SQL connection is lost: The conductor proceeds now, when the connection is established again
- Create Client if Client with IdentExpression %Computername% does not exist
- After Client creation, set Client to IsActive = True
Hyland RPA Login Service
The following new features appear in this release:
- Switch from log4net to serilog