Configuring an AFP Processor - AFP Input Filter - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

AFP Input Filter

AFP Input Filter
Foundation 22.1

Since the AFP Processor is an enhancement to the capabilities of the COLD module, many of the same configuration requirements for COLD processing must also be met for AFP processing. These include identification of the file to be processed, selection of a document type, identification of Keyword Values, location of an identification string in the AFP file, and the definition of an optional continuation string.

Since identification of Keyword Values and a continuation string cannot be done readily from viewing the AFP file in a text viewer, the Visual AFP module is typically used to configure the AFP Processor. Visual AFP incorporates an AFP viewer, so that configuration parameters can be defined via a visual interface.

AFP files which have Tag Logical Elements, or TLEs, embedded within the files can have a processor configured via the AFP Import Configuration dialog box in the Configuration module. The Process Settings and Document Types are configured similarly to a COLD process; however, the Document Fields are configured based upon the location of the TLEs in the document. When an AFP file contains TLEs, OnBase will automatically display them for configuration in the Document Fields dialog box. This allows for easy processor configuration, and is why it is considered a best practice to configure an AFP processor for AFP files with TLEs in the OnBase Configuration module instead of through the Visual AFP configuration.