The Number of Instances of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group - AFP Input Filter - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

AFP Input Filter

AFP Input Filter
Foundation 22.1

You must account for the maximum number of instances of Keyword Types that could be in Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups assigned to the Document Type.

The AFP processor is dependent upon the order of Keyword Types. In order to process Multi-Instance Keyword Groups correctly, the processor must be able to “read” them in the correct order. In this way, the Keyword Types can match up correctly, as expected in a Multi-Instance Keyword Group.

For more information on Multi-Instance Keyword Type Groups, see the Configuration documentation.


Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group functionality is not supported for AFP Configuration Import/Export.

  1. If all documents in the AFP file contain two instances of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, except for one document in the AFP file which contains three instances of the Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group, you must configure the Document Fields for three separate instances of each Keyword Type in the group.
  2. If the Keyword Type is set to KEYWORD, all instances of the Keyword Type must have the same values for Col Location. If the Keyword Type is set to TAG, all instances of the Keyword Type can have varying values for Col.
  3. If the Keyword Type is set to KEYWORD, all instances of the Keyword Type must have a value of 1 for the Height Range. If the Keyword Type is set to TAG, the instances of the Keyword Type can have varying heights, but when the tag is formatted, the height value of the Keyword Type itself must be 1.
  4. The Line Location must correctly reflect the line of each instance of the Keyword Type (as it would when configuring the Location of any Keyword Type in a AFP process.) For example, the first instance of a Keyword Value might be on Line 4 and the second instance may be on Line 5.