Tag Range - AFP Input Filter - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

AFP Input Filter

AFP Input Filter
Foundation 22.1

Tag Ranges are defined in a similar manner to Keyword Ranges, with a few differences. To configure a Tag Range:

  1. Select the Keyword Types branch in the Visual AFP Configuration window.

    Ensure that the Keyword Types branch highlighted belongs to the correct Document Type before proceeding.

  2. Drag the mouse over the area on the sample file that corresponds to a tag to be identified by the AFP processor. The length of this area should be the largest possible area that the tag will occupy. This will avoid any value being cut off when the process is run. When the mouse is released, the area will be highlighted in yellow.
  3. Right-click and select Add Tag Range.

    Page Tag Ranges and Page Keyword Ranges are not supported in AFP COLD Processing.

  4. Drag the mouse to select the tag string only.
  5. Right-click and select Set Tag String.
  6. Drag the mouse to select the Keyword Value.
  7. Right-click and select Set Keyword Range. The Select Keyword Type dialog box is displayed.
  8. Select the Keyword Type that corresponds to the tag value and click Apply.
    The tag is displayed below the Keyword Types branch, along with the TOP, BOTTOM, RIGHT, and LEFT coordinates of the tag string on the displayed page. The coordinates of the keyword range are also displayed.
  9. Double-click the [VALIDATION] branch to toggle between YES and NO.
  10. You can strip characters from the string if it contains excess characters that you do not want to store as part of the Keyword Value. Click the [Process] branch to display the Process Field dialog box and select one of the character stripping options:
    • Keep All Characters - Retains all characters of the string for the Keyword Value. This is the default value.

    • Strip Spaces- Removes all spaces from the string for the Keyword Value.

    • Strip Character- Removes a specific character from the string for the Keyword Value. Enter the character to be stripped in the text field.

    • Strip...Chars from Beginning or Strip...Chars from End - Removes a certain number of characters from the beginning or end of the string. Enter the number of characters you want to remove from the string in the text field.

  11. For Currency or Date Keyword Types, right-click the [FORMAT] branch and select Edit to correctly format the Keyword Type.
  12. Repeat steps 1-10 to identify additional Tag Ranges.

    After configuration, click on the coordinates of the string to confirm the location of the keywords and tag ranges.