AFP Document Fields Configuration - AFP Input Filter - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

AFP Input Filter

AFP Input Filter
Foundation 23.1

After Document Types have been assigned to the process, the Document Fields must be configured.

To configure the Document Fields for an AFP TLE process:

  1. In the Configuration module, select Import | AFP Processor. The AFP Import Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the process to configure and click Document Fields. The Field Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  3. In the Tag Logical Elements section, enter the path to the AFP file in the Full Path to File field by doing one of the following:
    • Manually enter the path in the field and click Show All.

    • Click Browse to browse out to the AFP file and click Open.

    The number of documents in the AFP file is displayed in the document list section. These numbers represent each document found in the file.
    The TLE Type is also displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. The TLE Type is displayed as one of the following:
    • AFP Document uses Page-Based TLE: Page-based TLE documents do not contain TLE tags that mark where a new document begins. If you have a page-based TLE document, you must configure a unique TLE tag to the >>Document Type System Keyword Type as the marker for a new document. This configuration is documented later in the current procedure.

    • AFP Document uses Named Page Group TLE: Page group TLE documents contain TLE tags that mark where a new document begins.

  4. Select a document from the document list section. The TLEs and their corresponding values display under the Tag and Value columns.
  5. In the Keywords portion of the dialog box, select a Document Type from the Document Type drop-down list.

    This menu is populated by the previously selected Document Types. See AFP Document Type Configuration for more information.

  6. In the Tag Logical Elements section, select a TLE to map. When selected, the TLE tag is displayed in the tag text field in the Keywords section.
  7. Select a Keyword Type to map to the TLE from the Keyword Type drop-down list.

    If multiple instances of a TLE tag exist, each TLE tag can be archived as a separate Keyword Type instance.

  8. Click Add to add the mapped TLE and its value to the Keyword Type list. This maps the TLE and its value to the Keyword Type. For Keyword Types that contain date or currency values, see Date Formatting or Currency Formatting Options for more details.
    If you are mapping a page-based TLE document, you must select a unique TLE to map to the >>Document Type System Keyword Type to mark where a new document should start.

    Some documents in the AFP file may have duplicate TLEs embedded within them. To remove the duplicate tags from the viewer window, click Remove Duplicates. This ensures that each unique tag is mapped properly. To view the duplicates again, click Show Duplicates.

  9. When all TLEs in a document are mapped, select the next document in the file and repeat these steps to map all TLEs to Keyword Types.
  10. Click Close to save and exit the configuration.