Posting to the ERP System - AP Automation - SAP - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

AP Automation - SAP

AP Automation - SAP
Foundation 24.1

An invoice is ready to be posted the ERP system when the invoice data has been completely entered into the WorkView data form and checked against the purchase order and any other supporting documents in the ERP system. The action of posting to the ERP is typically performed automatically via Workflow, but you can also manually post an invoice to the ERP if necessary.

Invoices are posted from the Post to ERP queue. When you post an invoice to the ERP system, the invoice might temporarily remain in other queues in Workflow until some concluding processing is complete, but the invoice data has been committed to the ERP system.


Ensure that invoice data is complete and accurate before clicking the Post to ERP ad hoc task. Once an invoice has been posted to the ERP system, the invoice data is considered final and committed to the ERP system. Even if the invoice has not yet exited OnBase Workflow, the invoice data has been committed to the ERP system and cannot be retracted.

Invoices in the Post to ERP queue can also be routed to the Initial queue for additional processing, or you can view the data form for the invoice.

To manually post an invoice to the ERP system, select the invoice from the Post to ERP queue and click the Post to ERP ad hoc task. The invoice is posted to the ERP system.