Installing the API Server - API Server - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

API Server

API Server
Foundation 23.1

To install the API Server:

  1. Launch the OnBase API Server Setup installer by executing Hyland.ApiServer.Setup.exe. This executable is available from your service provider.
  2. The Hyland API Server Setup dialog is displayed.

    Click Install to launch the installation wizard.

  3. The Hyland API Server Setup welcome window is displayed.
  4. Click Next. The IIS Settings window is displayed.
  5. Select a Web Site to install the API Server to from the drop-down list. The Web Site list is populated with the web servers configured in IIS and available to the target machine.

    Enter a name for the API Server in the Application Name field.

    Enter a name for the application pool that will be created that you want to run the API Server in the Application Pool field.

  6. Click Next. The IIS Settings window is displayed.
  7. If you want to specify the credentials of the application pool running the API Server in IIS, select the Specify IIS Application Pool Credentials option.

    Enter the user name and password of the user whose credentials you want to use for the application pool.


    If your solution requires the Temp File Service and you are using a UNC storage system, the user whose credentials you use for the application pool must have rights to the UNC shares. For more information see Supported Storage Systems.

  8. Click Next. The Destination Folder window is displayed.
  9. Enter the top-level installation directory in the field provided, or click Change to browse to it.

    If Change is clicked, the Change destination folder window is displayed.

    Enter a folder name in the Folder name field or select it from the Look in drop-down list, then click OK.

    If the destination folder is not changed, the default location is used.

  10. Click Next. The Ready to install window is displayed.
  11. Click Install to install the API Server. Click Back if you want to return to the previous window. Click Cancel if you want to exit the wizard without installing the API Server.
  12. When the installer finishes installing the API Server, click Finish. Click Close to close the dialog.
  13. In Windows, launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager as an administrator.

    IIS is a Microsoft product. For more detailed instructions on using and configuring IIS settings, see the Microsoft documentation.

  14. In the tree view, expand the site under which you installed the API Server application, locate the API Server application itself and open the Modules configuration.

    Changing any of these settings in IIS Manager on the installed application will make non-permanent changes to the web.config file of the API Server. If the API Server is modified or upgraded using the installer, any changes made will be removed. If it is possible, it is recommended to make these changes at the site level so that any application of that site will inherit the configurations.

  15. Ensure the following items are present in the list of modules:
    • AnonymousAuthenticationModule

    • AspNetCoreModule

    • HttpCacheModule

    • UriCacheModule

    If any of these modules are not present, click Configure Native Modules...

    In the Configure Native Modules dialog, locate the missing module or modules, select them, and then click OK.

  16. Browse to the config directory in your API Server's installation directory. In a default installation, this directory is located at C:\Program Files\Hyland\ApiServer\config.
  17. Open the 5_scim.json file of the API Server in a plain-text editor.

    In Windows, the JSON file must be opened as an administrator.

  18. Locate the JwtIssuerOptions block and update the values of the following settings to match your environment.




    The URL of the Hyland IdP server. For example,, where is replaced with your host domain.


    Make sure the use of HTTP or HTTPS matches the configuration of your domain in IIS.


    The URL of the resources directory on the Hyland IdP server. For example,, where is replaced with your host domain.


    Make sure the use of HTTP or HTTPS matches the configuration of your domain in IIS.

  19. Save and close the 5_scim.json file.
  20. Open the 1_server.json file in a text editor.

    In Windows, the JSON file must be opened as an administrator.

  21. Locate the Authentication block. In the Address setting, enter the URL of your Hyland IdP server.
  22. Locate the Tenant block. Uncomment the contents of the configuration block by deleting the /* at the start of the block and the */ at the end of the block.
  23. Update the values of the following settings to match your environment.




    The name of the data source of your OnBase database.


    The database provider type. Set the value to SQL for SQL or ORACLE for Oracle.


    A valid connection string to the OnBase database for the database provider type (SQL or Oracle). The connection string must include Data Source, database, User Id, and Password information.


    ADO connections strings are a method of connecting applications to databases. Complete details on connection strings and how to create them are available from Microsoft.


    Make sure you include the double-slash (\\) between the server and the database instance to account for JSON formatting. For example, Data Source=MyDB\\SQLInstance;

  24. Save and close the file and recycle your application pool for the changes to take effect.