Advanced Capture Form Order Analysis - Advanced Capture - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 22.1

Your Advanced Capture solution keeps track of how frequently each form is matched to documents that undergo Advanced Capture.

As an administrator, you can analyze these statistics, and, based on this analysis, your Advanced Capture solution can update the order of its forms and attempt to match the more frequently-used forms to documents first.

For example:

You scan a batch of AP - Invoice documents daily, and within these batches, there are three potential Advanced Capture forms available to these documents (AP - Computers R Us, AP - The Phone Shack, and AP - Office Supply Warehouse).

  • The AP - Office Supply Warehouse form is matched to 75% of the documents

  • The AP - Computes R Us form is matched to 15% of the documents

  • The AP - The Phone Shack form is matched to 10% of the documents

Currently, Advanced Capture attempts to match the forms to incoming AP - Invoice documents in this order: AP - The Phone Shack, AP - Computers R Us, and then AP - Office Supply Warehouse.

In its current state, your AP - Invoice documents are not being indexed very efficiently because only 25% of all incoming documents are being matched to a form in less than three attempts.

After running the form order analysis, your Advanced Capture solution re-orders the forms so that it attempts to match all incoming AP - Invoice documents to the AP - Office Supply Warehouse form first; the AP - Computers R Us form second, and the AP - The Phone Shack form third.

Now, 90% of all incoming AP - Invoice documents are matched to a form in less than three attempts.


If your solution is configured to use an Institutional Database, be aware that a super-user can view/re-order all forms across all institutions, while a non-super user can only view and re-order templates that are configured for his/her institution.

In order for the Advanced Capture form order analysis to provide accurate results, you must ensure that you have a sufficiently-large number of documents that have been successfully matched to a form currently in your system. By default, you can perform a form order analysis with a minimum of 100 documents and a maximum of 30,000 documents.

You can perform a form order analysis at any time from the Advanced Capture Configuration window. Additionally, you will always be prompted to perform a form order analysis after you have imported forms into your solution.


It is considered a best practice to periodically perform a form order analysis and re-order your forms. The frequency of this analysis should be based on the number of documents you are processing via Advanced Capture and the number of forms configured for your solution.

To perform a form order analysis:

  1. From the Advanced Capture Configuration window, click the Advanced Options link in the Tools pane. The Advanced Configuration Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click Analyze Form Definition Precedence to trigger your Advanced Capture solution to analyze its form frequency statistics. Once completed, they are displayed in the Form Template Analysis Results window.

    The forms are displayed in descending order (i.e., the most-frequently used form is listed first and the least-frequently used form is listed last) along with their percentage of use.

  3. Click OK to re-order the forms. Once the forms have been re-ordered, a confirmation message is displayed.
    Now, your Advanced Capture solution will first attempt to match the most commonly used forms to incoming documents in order to more efficiently process documents.