The Forms Toolbar - Advanced Capture - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 22.1

The Forms toolbar contains various buttons that can be clicked to display information about the current page or assigned Advanced Capture form or to open tools for configuring the form. When the right side of the Advanced Capture Configuration window is expanded, the default buttons are displayed in the toolbar, as shown in the following image.

When the right side of the Advanced Capture Configuration window is collapsed, several additional buttons are also displayed in the toolbar, as shown in the following image.

Depending on your configuration and current selections in the window, some of the toolbar options might not be available.

Click the appropriate button or option in the toolbar to take the actions described in the following table.



Previous Document

Selects the first page of the previous document in the batch.

Previous Page

Selects the previous page of the current document.

Next Page

Selects the next page of the current document.

Next Document

Selects the first page of the next document in the batch.

Page Information

Displays the following pieces of information about the current page:

  • Document ID

  • Document name

  • Document Type

  • Batch ID

  • Current page

  • File format

  • Page dimensions

  • DPI

  • Color depth

Form Definition

Displays information about the current form and options to modify or delete the form or to create a Keyword Data Zone that covers the entire page.

Full Page Zones

Displays a menu of entire page zones that have been configured for the form. Selecting an entire page zone from the menu displays information about the entire page zone and options to modify, delete, or copy the zone or to show detailed extraction results.

Zone Alignment


The Zone Alignment button is only available if the current page contains Form Identification or Page Registration Zones that apply registration points.

Instructs the Advanced Capture engine to calculate the offset/scaling for all registration zones on the current page and to shift the physical positions of all extraction zones to match these calculations.

While this zone alignment feature is activated, a window is also displayed to show the offset/scaling information about the registration points as the extraction zones are being shifted. The extraction zones continue to be adjusted until you click elsewhere in the interface to deactivate the alignment feature and close the informational window.

Image Processing


The Image Processing button is only available if you are licensed for Bar Code Recognition Server or Barcode Recognition for Advanced Capture.

Displays a menu of options to show individual or all image processes configured for the form, hide all image processes, or edit the configured image processes. For more information, see Showing or Hiding Image Processing Operations.

Active Form Group

Displays a menu of any form definition groups that have been configured for the form. To simulate how the Advanced Capture engine will process the current document or batch with a form definition group activated, select that group from the menu before clicking the Process Current Document button.

Regular Expression Library

Opens the Regular Expression Library, allowing you to add, edit, or delete the regular expressions to be used in your system.

For more information on configuring regular expressions, see The Regular Expression Library.

Global Lookup and Replace

Opens the Keyword Lookup and Replace dialog box, allowing you to configure global Keyword Lookup/Replace dictionaries.

For more information, see Configuring Keyword Lookup/Replace Dictionaries.

Process Current Document

Runs a test Advanced Capture process on the current document.

Advanced Options

Opens the Advanced Configuration Options dialog box.

For more information on the options available, see the advanced options information in The Tools Pane.

Save Configuration

Saves any changes made to the current configuration.