Configuring a Snippet Data Field Zone - Advanced Capture - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 22.1

A Snippet Data Field Zone allows you to capture specific regions of a page and combine these regions into a separate, snippet document that repurposes the extracted data into a condensed and easily readable format.

Depending on your configuration, the newly created snippet document(s) may be added to the same batch undergoing Advanced Capture processing or created as a separate document. When testing processing in the Advanced Capture Configuration window, any snippet documents are created locally as temporary files. The location of these temporary files is listed in the Test Results Verification window.

A Snippet Data Field Zone is configured using the options on the Snippet tab of the Data Field Zone dialog box.

To enable the following options, select Use image snippet style extraction.

Data Field Zone Snippet Options


Document Type

Using this drop-down list, select the Document Type to which the new snippet document is to be assigned.

Page Location(s)

The Page Location(s) options control the pages that the OCR engine searches for a particular Data Field Zone.

  • Select the Absolute page radio button if the snippet being read by the Data Field Zone is only displayed on one page and is always displayed on the same page (for example, the snippet is always displayed on page 1). Enter in the associated field the page number on which the snippet is located.

  • Select the Relative page radio button if the snippet may be located on one or more pages relative to the length of the document. Select one or more of the following check boxes to indicate on which page(s) the Data Field Zone may be located.

    Select the First page check box if the Data Field Zone is located only on the first page of the document. This option can be used in conjunction with the Interior pages and/or Last page check boxes.

    Select the First page (not only page) check box if the Data Field Zone is located on the first page and other pages in the document.

    Select the Interior pages check box if the Data Field Zone is located on every page of the document other than the first or last page. This option can be used in conjunction with the First page and/or Last page check boxes.

    Select the Last page check box if the Data Field Zone is located only on the last page of the document. This option can be used in conjunction with the First page and/or the Interior pages check boxes.

    Select the Last page (not only page) check box if the Data Field Zone is located on the last page and other pages in the document.

Snippet Sizing

The Snippet Sizing options control whether the snippet zone remains the size it was drawn or expands to fit the page's width, height, or entire area.

  • Select Specified area only to keep the snippet zone the same size it was drawn.

  • Select Fit width to page to expand the snippet zone's boundaries to fit the page width.

  • Select Fit height to page to expand the snippet zone's boundaries to fit the page height.

  • Select Entire Page to expand the snippet zone to fit the dimensions of the entire page.

Delete this entire page from source document after creating snippet

Select this option to delete the entire page from the source document once the snippet document is created.

Redact zone from source document

Select this option to redact the snippet zone from the source document once the snippet document is created.


This option is only respected if you are licensed for Automated Redaction.

Place snippet on blank page of original page size

Select this option to place the snippet zone on a blank page with the same dimensions as the source page when creating the snippet document.

If this option is not selected, the snippet document is only made as large as it needs to be to contain the snippet zone(s) from the source document.

Combine with other snippets from this document into a single target document (same document type)

Select this option to combine all snippet zones configured for the same Document Type and Archive into: option on the current document into a single snippet document.


Snippet zones configured with different Archive into: options will not be combined. See hjt1646160308448.html#hjt1646160308448__p_efc_mhw_ytb for more information.

If this option is not selected, a separate snippet document is created for each snippet zone.

Use post-image processed page image for snippet source

Select this option to process the snippet zone image after image processing has been performed on the document.

If this option is not selected, the snippet zone image is taken before any image processing is performed.

Copy common keywords from source to snippet document

Select this option to copy common Keyword Values from the source document to the snippet document once Advanced Capture processing has been performed.

Archive into:

You can select the batch into which a newly created snippet document is added.

  • Select Non-batch document to create the snippet document outside of a batch.

  • Select Same batch as source to add the newly created snippet document to the same batch as the source document.

  • Select New batch in same scan queue to add the newly created snippet document to a new batch created in the same scan queue as the source batch.

VB script

Use the VB script drop-down list to select a VBscript to associate with the processing of this Data Field Zone.

Click the ... button to open the VB Scripts dialog box. Here, the selected script can be re-configured or edited.

Activation groups

When you have configured multiple Form Identification Zones or Page Registration Zones for a document, you can assign individual Data Field Zones to a specific Form Identification or Page Registration Zone using activation groups. Activation groups allow you to activate only the Data Field Zones assigned to the Form Identification or Page Registration Zone that is used to match the document to an Advanced Capture form. Data Field Zones assigned to Form Identification or Page Registration Zones that are not used to match the document to a form will not be processed. Also, Data Field Zones present on pages other than the pages containing their assigned Form Identification or Page Registration Zones will not be processed, unless otherwise specified through the Page Location(s) setting or by adding a + to the front of the activation group name on the Form Identification or Page Registration Zone. This selective activation saves processing time and reduces the number of forms that need to be created for a Document Type.

Use the Activation groups field to enter or select an activation group name. Add a + to the front of a group name (for example, +Group1) on a Form Identification or Page Registration Zone to set all Data Field Zones assigned to this group to be processed. Use commas to separate multiple group names.

  • When a Form Identification Zone or Page Registration Zone is matched to a form, all activation groups that have been configured for the zone will be activated.

  • Form Identification Zones are organized into Identification Groups (under Combined rule expressions), and only one Identification Group can be matched to a form. Once an Identification Group has been matched, any remaining Identification Groups on the document will be skipped.

  • Multiple Page Registration Zones can be matched to a form. Every Page Registration Zone on the document will be tested for a match.

  • If multiple activation groups have been configured for a Data Field Zone, the zone will be processed if any of these activation groups is activated.

  • If no activation groups have been configured for a Data Field Zone, the zone will be considered active and thus will be processed.

  • If a Data Field Zone is configured to only be searched for on certain pages (that is, through the Page Location(s) setting), the zone can only be considered active on these pages. This overrides any conflicting settings that would otherwise activate the Data Field Zone (for example, when a Data Field Zone is assigned to an activation group that is named with a + on the corresponding Form Identification or Page Registration Zone, or when a Data Field Zone is not assigned to any activation group).

Activation groups (cont.)

Alternatively, you can assign a form definition group as the Data Field Zone's activation group to activate the zone for processing. Form definition groups can be used to extract only specific types of information (for example, header data vs. detail data) during processing. In the Activation groups drop-down list, form definition groups are enclosed in brackets (for example, [Group1]).