Configuring a Page Registration Zone to Use a Text Value - Advanced Capture - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 22.1

A text value can be configured to determine a page's registration by using the options on the Text Match tab of the Page Registration Zone dialog box.

Page Registration Zone Text Match Options


Match Value

This field displays the text result returned from the OCR engine's evaluation of the Page Registration Zone.


The Match Value is also displayed in the Result Verification panel below the enlarged image of the Page Registration Zone.

You may select the match rules for the Page Registration Zone by selecting one of the match rule radio buttons.


If the position of the text that is being compared to the Match Value shifts from document to document to the extent that a portion of this text might fall outside the Page Registration Zone, or different text might fall inside the zone, select the Contains text option to increase the chances of a desired match.

  • Exact match. Select this radio button if the OCR engine must recognize the Match Value exactly on a processed document in order for Advanced Capture to determine and account for offset using the Page Registration Zone.

  • Contains text. Select this radio button if the OCR engine needs only to identify the Match Value as part of a longer string on the document being processed in order to determine and account for offset using the Page Registration Zone.


    When using this option, only the Match Value portion of the text string is taken into consideration to determine the Suspect Level of the value.

  • Fuzzy match. Select this radio button if the OCR engine needs to identify the Match Value on a processed document, but can allow for some margin for error between the Match Value and the value read from the document being processed in order to determine and account for offset using the Page Registration Zone.

    Enter a value in the Max Errors field to set the number of discrepancies allowed between the Match Value and the value read from the document being processed.

    For example, if your Match Value is HYLAND UNIVERSITY and the value detected by the OCR engine from the processed document is HYL4ND UN1VERSITY, the Page Registration Zone can still be used to determine and account for offset if the Max Errors value is set to 2 or more.

Bar Coded Text


This option is only available if your solution is licensed for the Bar Code Recognition Server.

Select this check box if the Page Registration Zone contains a bar code. The bar code will be converted into text and then identified according to the zone's configured match rules.


Depending on your configuration, the Advanced Capture engine will only search for certain bar code types in this zone. See tlj1646160308612.html#tlj1646160308612__p_lzq_f3w_ytb for more information.

Bar Code Types


This option is only available when the Bar Coded Text option is selected.

Click this button to access the Select Bar Code Types dialog box.

Here you can select the types of bar codes for which the Advanced Capture engine will search when processing the Page Registration Zone. The engine will ignore any deselected bar code types when processing this zone.

By default, all bar code types are selected.


To expedite Advanced Capture processing, select only the desired bar code types.

To save changes to your bar code type selections, click Save.

Regular expression match

Select this check box if the Match Value should match the form of a regular expression.

For example: the regular expression rule for a Social Security Number is \d{3}-\d{2}-\d{4} (i.e., 3 digits, dash, 2 digits, dash, 4 digits). If the OCR engine identifies text matching this pattern in the zone, that text is returned as a Match Value.


All regular expressions must be ECMA compliant.

Ignore all whitespace

Select this check box if you would like to ignore all whitespace (e.g., spaces, paragraph returns, etc.) in the Match Value after it is read by the OCR engine.

For example, if the Match Value read by the OCR engine is PSY 103, and the Ignore all whitespace check box is selected, the Match Value would be read as PSY103.


Select this check box if the page's registration should be determined only when the Match Value does not appear in the Form Identification Zone.

Allowed character types

These options are available to assist the OCR engine in determining if the value it reads is correct. Select the check box next to each character type that is allowed in the Match Value. The available options are:

  • Numerals. Numeric characters, 0-9.

  • Uppercase. Uppercase alphabetic characters.

  • Lowercase. Lowercase alphabetic characters.

  • Punctuation. Punctuation marks (i.e., . ! ?).

  • Miscellaneous. Other ASCII characters that do not fall into one of the above categories (i.e., # $ * @).

When a character is recognized by the OCR engine that is not part of an allowable character set, the character is replaced by a tilde (~) and the value is automatically marked as suspect.


Using the Allowed character types options can sometimes help the OCR engine more easily determine the correct value by eliminating characters that are obviously not correct (e.g., an I is correctly identified instead of a 1 because numeric characters are filtered and prevented from being recognized as part of the value).

Select the Disable Asian Text Support check box to instruct the OCR engine to skip Asian (i.e., double-byte) characters.


The Disable Asian Text Support check box is only available if the OCR format assigned to the Document Type is configured for an Asian language (e.g., Japanese, Korean, etc.).


Selecting the Disable Asian Text Support check box allows you to identify numeric data (i.e., Date Keyword Values, Currency Keyword Values, and Document Dates) when performing OCR on documents configured to contain Asian (i.e., double-byte) characters.

Suspect level

Enter the Suspect Level threshold, 1-99, in this field. By default, this value is set to the default Suspect Level set for the Advanced Capture form.

The Suspect Level is the level of confidence placed in data values captured in this zone. The default Suspect Level set for the Advanced Capture form and the actual Suspect Level detected for the selected value are displayed below the Suspect Level field.

After a zone is processed, the OCR engine gives the resulting value a score between 1 and 99, depending on how confident it is in the result that is returned. The higher the score is, the lower the OCR engine's confidence is in the results.

The value you enter in this field is the threshold at which the OCR engine determines if a returned value is acceptable or suspect. A score returned by the OCR engine higher than the Suspect Level threshold you set causes the value captured by the zone to be marked as suspect. All scores lower than the Suspect Level threshold indicate that the captured value is considered by the OCR engine to be acceptable.

For example, setting the Suspect Level to 99 would indicate you completely trust the result returned by the OCR engine because no higher score could be returned and no result could be marked as suspect.

Setting the Suspect Level to 1 would indicate you have no trust in the result, since no lower score could be returned and no result could be determined acceptable.

Setting the Suspect Level to 0 reverts back to the default threshold of 75.


By default, the Suspect Level threshold is set to 75 and the average score given to a processed field is 70. It is considered a best practice to set your Suspect Level to the default threshold of 75 to ensure that the page registration is being correctly determined.

Page Location(s)

The Page Location(s) options control the pages that the OCR engine searches for a particular Page Registration Zone.

  • Select the Absolute page radio button if the Page Registration Zone is only displayed on one page and is always displayed on the same page (e.g., the Page Registration Zone is always on page 2). Enter the page number that the Page Registration Zone is located on in the associated field.


    Valid Absolute page values are 2 or greater. If enter a value less than 2, this value will be changed to 2 automatically upon saving.

  • Select the Relative page radio button if the Page Registration Zone may be located on one or more pages relative to the length of the document. Select one or more of the following check boxes to indicate which page(s) that the Page Registration Zone may be located on.


    The First page and First page (not only page) options are not available for Page Registration Zones.

    Select the Interior pages check box if the Page Registration Zone is located on every page of the document other than the first or last page. This option can be used in conjunction with the First page and/or Last page check boxes.

    Select the Last page check box if the Page Registration Zone is located only on the last page of the document. This option can be used in conjunction with the First page and/or the Interior pages check boxes.

    Select the Last page (not only page) check box if the Page Registration Zone is located on the last page and other pages in the document.

Document Separation Control


The Document Separation Control options are available only for Advanced Capture forms that are configured for document separation. For more information, see Configuring Document Breaks.

The Document Separation Control options control whether the presence of the Page Registration Zone on a page should force a continuation or a break of the document.

  • Select None to use the form's default settings for document separation.

  • Select Continue Document to continue the document onto the next page automatically, without testing for matches to other Advanced Capture forms.

  • Select End Document to break the document on the current page. The next page will start a new document.


Irrespective of these settings, the document will still break when it reaches the Maximum Page Count that has been configured for the form.

VB Script

Use the VB Script drop-down list to select a VB script to associate with the identification of this Advanced Capture form.

Click the ... button to open the VB Scripts dialog box. Here, the selected script can be re-configured or edited. For more information on these options, contact your System Administrator.

Activation groups

When you have configured multiple Form Identification Zones or Page Registration Zones for a document, you can assign individual Data Field Zones to a specific Form Identification or Page Registration Zone using activation groups. Activation groups allow you to activate only the Data Field Zones assigned to the Form Identification or Page Registration Zone that is used to match the document to an Advanced Capture form. Data Field Zones assigned to Form Identification or Page Registration Zones that are not used to match the document to a form will not be processed. Also, Data Field Zones present on pages other than the pages containing their assigned Form Identification or Page Registration Zones will not be processed, unless otherwise specified through the Page Location(s) setting or by adding a + to the front of the activation group name on the Form Identification or Page Registration Zone. This selective activation saves processing time and reduces the number of forms that need to be created for a Document Type.

Use the Activation groups field to enter or select an activation group name. Add a + to the front of a group name (e.g., +Group1) on a Form Identification or Page Registration Zone to set all Data Field Zones assigned to this group to be processed. Use commas to separate multiple group names.

  • When a Form Identification Zone or Page Registration Zone is matched to a form, all activation groups that have been configured for the zone will be activated.

  • Form Identification Zones are organized into Identification Groups (under Combined rule expressions), and only one Identification Group can be matched to a form. Once an Identification Group has been matched, any remaining Identification Groups on the document will be skipped.

  • Multiple Page Registration Zones can be matched to a form. Every Page Registration Zone on the document will be tested for a match.

  • If multiple activation groups have been configured for a Data Field Zone, the zone will be processed if any of these activation groups is activated.

  • If no activation groups have been configured for a Data Field Zone, the zone will be considered active and thus will be processed.

  • If a Data Field Zone is configured to only be searched for on certain pages (i.e., through the Page Location(s) setting), the zone can only be considered active on these pages. This overrides any conflicting settings that would otherwise activate the Data Field Zone (e.g., when a Data Field Zone is assigned to an activation group that is named with a + on the corresponding Form Identification or Page Registration Zone, or when a Data Field Zone is not assigned to any activation group).

Use registration point

Select this check box to enable the Registration Point feature.


The Registration Point is the starting point (upper-left corner) of the value detected in the Form Identification Zone. Click Find Registration to automatically set the Registration Point at the starting point of the value in the Form Identification Zone, or double-click a location in the field below the check box to manually set the Registration Point at that position.

The position of the Registration Point on the Advanced Capture form is compared to the same position on the document being processed to determine the offset (i.e., the skew or rotation) of any imported documents. The position of the configured Form Identification Zone is adjusted on the document being processed to account for the detected offset to ensure that the Advanced Capture process is able to process the document properly.

  • If you selected the Regular expression match check box for the Match Value, the Register on capture group position check box will be enabled. Select this option and click Find Registration to set the Registration Point to the starting point of the first capture group contained within the Match Value's regular expression. This option is useful when the Match Value's first capture group is not the first value detected within the Form Identification Zone.