Ad hoc Advanced Capture allows you to perform Advanced Capture on a document while working with the document. Depending on how you are interacting with the document, ad hoc Advanced Capture can be initiated via right-click option or by pressing a button on a dialog box.
Ad hoc Advanced Capture can be performed from the following areas of the OnBase Client:
From the Document Search Results list. See From the Document Search Results List for more information.
From an open document. See From an Open Document for more information.
From the Document Imaging window. See From the Document Imaging Window for more information.
From the Import Document dialog box. See From the Import Document Dialog Box for more information.
From a Folder. See From a Folder for more information.
From a Workflow Queue. See From a Workflow Queue for more information.
From a document being created and automatically imported by the Virtual Print Driver. See From the Virtual Print Driver for more information.
If you are at a workstation that has either an Advanced Capture or Ad Hoc Advanced Capture license registered to it, the document will immediately undergo Advanced Capture.
If your workstation is not registered for Advanced Capture or Ad Hoc Advanced Capture, but your OnBase solution is licensed for one or both of these products, the document will be routed to the Awaiting Advanced Capture batch status queue and will be processed later, when a license becomes available, or by another workstation licensed for Advanced Capture.
Unlike batch Advanced Capture, ad hoc Advanced Capture offers no indication of values that were not confidently identified by the Advanced Capture engine (i.e., values that did not meet their configured Suspect Level). It is considered a best practice to always compare the indexing information assigned to the document by the ad hoc Advanced Capture process to the actual information displayed on the document to ensure that it is accurate.
When performing ad hoc Advanced Capture processing, also note the following:
If you are using ad hoc Advanced Capture to extract a Keyword Value that is the primary Keyword Value for an AutoFill Keyword Set, be aware that if multiple instances of the AutoFill Keyword Set exist with the same primary Keyword Value, depending on the configuration of the AutoFill Keyword Set, either no instance of the AutoFill Keyword Set is assigned to the document (even though the primary Keyword Value is assigned to the document) or all instances of the AutoFill Keyword Set are assigned to the document. You are not given the opportunity to select the instance of the AutoFill Keyword Set or, depending on your configuration, select multiple instances of the AutoFill Keyword Set to assign to the document.
If a document causes an ad hoc Advanced Capture process to fail, the document is automatically removed from the batch so that the batch can be reprocessed without repeating the same error.
When you view the list of documents in a batch, any document containing restricted Keywords or belonging to a Document Type you do not have rights to access is given a generic RESTRICTED: <Document Type name> label. You cannot view these restricted documents in the Document Viewer.