Index Verification - Advanced Capture - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 22.1

Index verification must be performed if indexing values for documents that undergo batch Advanced Capture do not meet their configured Suspect Levels during processing.

If at least one value on one document in a batch is determined to be suspect, then the entire batch is moved to either the Awaiting Index or Index in Progress batch status queue for index verification, according to the following criteria:

  • If at least one value on all documents in a batch is determined to be suspect, all documents remain unindexed and the batch is routed to the Awaiting Index batch status queue.

  • If some documents in a batch are fully indexed through Advanced Capture processing (that is, no values are determined to be suspect on at least one document in the batch) and other documents in this batch remain unindexed after Advanced Capture processing (that is, at least one value is determined to be suspect on at least one document in the batch), then the entire batch is routed to the Index in Progress batch status queue.

When performing index verification, please note the following:

  • Index verification is only available for batch Advanced Capture. When performing ad hoc Advanced Capture on a document, no indication is given if any detected values are suspect.

  • While a batch that has undergone batch Advanced Capture can be reviewed, corrected, or indexed further in the OnBase Web Client, the index verification features available in the OnBase Client described below (for example, suspect Keyword Values being highlighted in red) are not available in the OnBase Web Client.

  • The index verification features available in the OnBase Client described below (e.g., suspect Keyword Values being highlighted in red) are also available in the OnBase Unity Client. When using the Unity Client to perform index verification, you must also consider the following:

    • Whenever new Advanced Capture forms are created or zones on existing forms are changed, the Unity Client must be restarted to reflect the changes.

    • Appropriate color contrasts should be used so that clear distinctions can be made between Keyword Type names, Keyword Value text, and color highlights in both the standard Keyword panel and any Unity Form panel used for indexing. If color contrasts are not clearly distinguishable, contact your system administrator.

    • Unity Forms cannot display multiple Keyword Values for the same Keyword Type if the Keyword Type does not belong to a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group.

To perform index verification:

  1. From the OnBase Client, click Processing | Scan/Index. The Document Imaging window is displayed.
  2. In the Queue List window, select the Awaiting Index or Index in Progress batch status queue. All batches residing in the queue are displayed in the Working window.
  3. In the Queue List window, select the batch that you would like to perform index verification on. Right-click and select Index Documents.

    When performing index verification, only documents in the batch that have a suspect value or that were left unindexed will be displayed.

    The first document in the batch is displayed in the Working window and the Indexing dialog box is populated with its indexing information. Indexing values that were marked as suspect are highlighted in red by default in the Indexing dialog box. Depending on your configuration, some indexing values may be highlighted in different colors.


    If a Keyword Type name is displayed in white, it is a required Keyword. While required Keywords are normally displayed in red, they are displayed in white when their values have been marked as suspect so that the Keyword Type name does not blend in to the red highlight.


    If a Keyword Value is displayed for review, but is not highlighted in red, the Keyword Value is the primary Keyword Value of more than one instance of an AutoFill Keyword Set. Once you review and accept the Keyword Value, you are asked to select the correct instance, or instances, of the AutoFill Keyword Set to assign to the document.

  4. Click in the first suspect Document Date or Keyword Value field in the Indexing dialog box. Depending on your configuration, the area of the document that the value was extracted from is displayed in detail in the Working window and is highlighted in yellow, and the value recognized by the Advanced Capture engine is displayed in detail above the Keyword Type field.

    The detailed views of the extracted value in the Working window and above the corresponding Keyword Type field are only supported on image documents; they are not supported on PDF documents.

  5. Compare the Document Date value or Keyword Value to the value displayed on the document.

    If the value is correct, navigate to the next suspect value on the document, and repeat Step 5. If no suspect values remain on the current document, click Index to display the next document in the batch that has at least one suspect value.

    If the Document Date or Keyword Value is incorrect, manually enter the correct value in the field or extract it from the document using Point and Shoot Indexing.

    Once the value has been corrected, navigate to the next suspect value on the document and repeat Step 5. If no suspect values remain on the current document, click Index to display the next document in the batch that has at least one suspect value.

  6. Once all documents in the batch requiring index verification have been verified, the batch is automatically routed to the next configured batch status queue for the scan queue.