Batches are routed to the Advanced Capture in Progress batch status queue in the following scenarios:
Advanced Capture processing on a batch is interrupted before the processing can finish.
A batch in the Awaiting Advanced Capture batch status queue has been configured for OnBase AnyDoc processing with Infiniworx.
If a batch has been marked for OnBase AnyDoc processing with Infiniworx, it will eventually be picked up by Infiniworx for processing. While residing in the Advanced Capture in Progress batch status queue, such a batch is locked; it cannot be manually routed out of this queue. For more information on Infiniworx processing, see the Infiniworx User Guide.
If a batch has partially undergone Advanced Capture processing before being interrupted, however, you have the following options to manually route the batch out of the Advanced Capture in Progress batch status queue:
To forgo the originally intended Advanced Capture processing, right-click on the batch and select Skip Advanced Capture Processing. The batch is routed to the next batch status queue configured for the scan queue.
To redo the originally intended Advanced Capture processing, right-click on the batch and select Move to Awaiting Advanced Capture. The batch is routed back to the Awaiting Advanced Capture batch status queue, where it can then undergo Advanced Capture from the beginning of the process.