Configuring Document Breaks - Advanced Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 23.1

If the documents matched to the Advanced Capture form consist of multiple pages, you can configure the form to automatically identify the beginning and end of a document (i.e., document breaks) in the batch based on the minimum and maximum number of pages allowed for a document matched to that form.


If document breaks are specified by the scan format you are using to scan documents, then this step is not required.


When document breaks are applied to PDF documents through Advanced Capture, the renditions created are image documents, not PDFs. When document breaks are applied to image documents, however, the Advanced Capture engine respects the original image format and file extension.

To specify the minimum and maximum number of pages allowed for a document matched to a form, use the Minimum Page Count and Maximum Page Count fields on the Form Definition dialog box when creating a new form or modifying an existing form.

  • Minimum Page Count. Set the Minimum Page Count field to the minimum number of pages that can compose a document identified by this Advanced Capture form.

    This setting must be set to at least a value of 1.

  • Maximum Page Count. Set the Maximum Page Count field to the maximum number of pages that can compose a document identified by this Advanced Capture form.

    Enter 0 if the OCR engine should not attempt to break documents (i.e., Advanced Capture should respect the pre-existing document breaks).

The following process describes how Advanced Capture attempts to determine how to break documents:

  1. When the OCR engine encounters a new document (i.e., the first page of the first document in the batch or the first unclassified page after the end of the previously identified document), it processes the page and attempts to match it to a form.
  2. Once the page is matched to a form, the OCR engine determines the minimum number of pages required for documents matched to that form and appends a number of pages to the current page to create a document containing the minimum number of pages.
  3. Once that document is created, the OCR engine moves to the next page in the batch to attempt to match it to a form.
  4. If this page is not matched to a form to create a new document, the page is appended to the previous document.
  5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated until a page can be matched to a form to start a new document or until the page count of the document reaches the Maximum Page Count configured for the Advanced Capture form.
  6. Once the Maximum Page Count is reached, the next page in the batch is automatically treated as a new document. If it is not matched to a form, this document is considered unclassified and the OCR engine moves to the next page in the batch and attempts to match it to a form.

For example:

A 20-page batch is scanned and the first page in the batch (Page 1) is matched to a form with a Minimum Page Count of 5 and a Maximum Page Count of 8.

  • If Page 6 can be matched to a form, it is treated as the first page in a new document.

  • If Page 6 cannot be matched to a form, then it is appended to the previous document because it would now only consist of six pages, not the maximum of eight.

If Pages 6, 7, and 8 all could not be matched to an Advanced Capture form and are appended to the first document, then Page 9 is automatically treated as the first page of a new document because the maximum number of pages was reached for the first document.

If Page 9 cannot be matched to a form, it is treated as an unclassified document, and the OCR engine processes Page 10 to attempt to match it to an Advanced Capture form.