Configuring Line Removal - Advanced Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 23.1

To configure a line removal process:

  1. In the Form Definition Image Processing dialog box, select the Line removal image process type and click Add. The Line Removal Process dialog box is displayed.
  2. Enter a descriptive name for the process in the Process Name field.
  3. Select the appropriate removal process type:

    Removal Process Type


    Remove Lines

    Removes lines from the image and attempts to reconstruct characters that intersect the removed lines.

    Proceed to step jmf1646160305427.html#jmf1646160305427__step_d1e5895 for information on the recommended default values for general use of the associated options.

    Remove Combs

    Removes combs from the image and attempts to reconstruct characters that intersect the removed combs.

    Proceed to step jmf1646160305427.html#jmf1646160305427__step_d1e6030 for information on the recommended default values for general use of the associated options.

  4. Set default values for the following options associated with the Remove Lines process type:



    Maximum Character Repair Size

    Sets the maximum size (0-100) for character repair after line removal. The default value is 20.

    Maximum Line Gap

    Sets the maximum gap (0-20) allowed in a line for the line to still be considered one object. The default value is 1.

    Minimum Length

    Sets the minimum length (0-2000 pixels) a line must be to meet the removal criteria. The default value is 50.

    Maximum Thickness

    Sets the maximum thickness (0-50 pixels) allowed for a line to meet the removal criteria. The default value is 20.

    Minimum Aspect Ratio

    Sets the minimum ratio of the line length to the line width (1.0-100.0) required to meet the removal criteria. The default value is 10.0.

    Proceed to step jmf1646160305427.html#jmf1646160305427__step_d1e6180.

  5. Set default values for the following options associated with the Remove Combs process type:



    Comb Height

    Sets the typical height (4-1000 pixels) of a comb mark (i.e., the distance measured from the top of the horizontal base line to the top of the mark). The default value is 20.

    Comb Spacing

    Sets the typical distance (10-1000 pixels) between comb marks. The default value is 25.

    Horizontal Line Thickness

    Sets the typical thickness (1-20 pixels) of the horizontal lines that comprise the comb. The default value is 4.

    Minimum Comb Length

    Sets the minimum distance (10-5000 pixels) that a comb must extend (i.e., from the leftmost to the rightmost comb mark) to meet the removal criteria. The default value is 50.

    Minimum Confidence

    Sets the minimum confidence (0-100) an individual comb must have to meet the removal criteria. The default value is 50.

    Vertical Line

    Sets the typical thickness (1-20 pixels) of the vertical lines that comprise the comb. The default value is 4.

  6. Click OK. The line removal process is saved and added to the list of configured operations in the Form Definition Image Processing dialog box.
    For information on configuring the other settings for the image process, see Configuring Image Processing Operations.