Configuring Scan Queue or Keyword Value Rules for a Form - Advanced Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 23.1

You may configure scan queue or Keyword Value requirements for associating documents with a form (i.e., in order to be associated with this Advanced Capture form, documents must have been scanned using a specified scan queue or must have one or more specified Keyword Values).

Additionally, you can assign default Keyword Values for documents associated with a form (e.g., all documents associated with the HYL-Hyland University Advanced Capture form are assigned a Keyword Value of RECEIVED for the Status Keyword Type) and, depending on your form's configuration, default XML nodes for these default Keyword Values to be contained in when XML renditions of the documents are created (e.g., the default value of RECEIVED for the Status Keyword Type is listed within the assigned node under the XML rendition's DOCUMENTDATA section).

To configure scan queue or Keyword Value rules for a form:

  1. Create the Advanced Capture form as usual.
  2. Once the form has been created, from the Advanced Capture Configuration window, right-click on the document displayed in the Document Viewer. The Modify/Delete Form dialog box is displayed.
  3. Click Modify Form. The Form Definition dialog box is displayed.

    The Form Definition dialog box displayed here is slightly different from the dialog box that is displayed when you are creating a new Advanced Capture form.

  4. Click Scan Queue/Keyword Rules. The Form Definition Scan Queues/Keywords dialog box is displayed.
  5. Configure the scan queue and/or Keyword Value rules as needed:
    • To specify the scan queues that the Advanced Capture form is available to (i.e., only documents scanned from the specified scan queues can be matched to the current Advanced Capture form):


      In addition to using this option to restrict Advanced Capture form availability by scan queue, you may also restrict Advanced Capture form availability by Document Type or the presence of a Keyword Value. These restrictions can be used separately or in conjunction with one another. Because a limitless number of Advanced Capture forms can exist in your Advanced Capture solution, it is considered a best practice to limit the number of Advanced Capture forms available as much as possible (by Document Type, Keyword Value, and/or scan queue) in order to save time and processing resources.

      By default, an Advanced Capture form is available to only the scan queue that the document used to create for the form was scanned with and to documents that are not associated with a scan queue.


      Depending on your configuration, a form may be available to all scan queues once it is created. This default behavior is controlled by the Assign Current Scan Queue option in the Tools panel of the Advanced Capture Configuration window.

      To make the Advanced Capture form available to additional scan queues (or restrict it from additional scan queues):

      In the Required Scan Queues for Form Definition Match section, select the check boxes next to the scan queues that the Advanced Capture form is available to. To select all scan queues, click Select All. To deselect all scan queues, click Deselect All.

      To make the Advanced Capture form available to documents not associated with a scan queue or those documents that undergo ad-hoc Advanced Capture(where a scan queue association would not be known), select the <No Scan Queue/Ad Hoc Mode> check box.

      In the example illustrated above, only documents imported via the HYL-Hyland University scan queue can be matched to the Advanced Capture form.

    • To only allow documents with a specified Keyword Value to be matched to the Advanced Capture form:


      In addition to using this option to restrict Advanced Capture form availability by the presence of a Keyword Value, you may also restrict Advanced Capture form availability by Document Type or scan queue. These restrictions can be used separately or in conjunction with one another. Because a limitless number of Advanced Capture forms can exist in your Advanced Capture solution, it is considered a best practice to limit the number of Advanced Capture forms available as much as possible (by Document Type, Keyword Value, and/or scan queue) in order to save time and processing resources.

      In the Required Keywords for Form Definition Match section, use the Keyword Type drop-down to select the Keyword Type, enter the Keyword Value in the Keyword Value field that documents must have in order to be associated with this Advanced Capture form, and then click Add.


      Only Keyword Types common to all Document Types specified in the Document Types Allowed for Form list for the Advanced Capture form can be selected from the Keyword Type drop-down. If only Unindexed Document is specified in the Document Types Allowed for Form list, no Keyword Types are available to be selected (i.e., no Keyword Value restrictions can be configured).

      In the example illustrated above, only documents with a value of PSY111 for the Course ID Keyword Type can be matched to the Advanced Capture form.

      Repeat this process for as many Keyword Value restriction rules as are needed for the Advanced Capture form. To modify a default Keyword Value rule, double-click it in the Keyword Type/Keyword Value list or select it from the list and click Modify. To delete a default Keyword Value rule, select it from the Keyword Type/Keyword Value list and click Delete.

    • To add a default Keyword Value to all documents matched to the Advanced Capture form:

      In the Keyword Values Applied to Document Upon Form Definition Match section, use the Keyword Type drop-down to select the Keyword Type and enter the Keyword Value in the Keyword Value field that is to be automatically assigned as a default Keyword Value to documents matched to this Advanced Capture form, and then click Add.


      Only Keyword Types assigned to the Document Type specified as the Assigned Document Type for the Advanced Capture form can be selected from the Keyword Type drop-down. If only Unindexed Document is specified in the Document Types Allowed for Form list and the Assigned Document Type is set to <Document Type Unchanged>, then no Keyword Types are available to be selected (i.e., no default Keyword Values can be configured)

      In the example illustrated above, a value of RECEIVED is assigned to the Status Keyword Type for all documents that are matched to this Advanced Capture form.

      Repeat for as many default Keyword Values as you would like to add to documents matched to this Advanced Capture form. To modify a default Keyword Value rule, double-click it in the Keyword Type/Keyword Value list or select it from the list and click Modify. To delete a default Keyword Value rule, select it from the Keyword Type/Keyword Value list and click Delete.

    • To assign a default XML node to a default Keyword Value:


      If you selected Create XML data rendition in the Form Definition dialog box, you can assign a default XML node to a default Keyword Value, even if the assigned Document Type is not configured to allow renditions. However, in order for XML renditions to actually be created during Advanced Capture processing, the assigned Document Type must be configured to allow renditions.

      In the Keyword Values Applied to Document Upon Form Definition Match section, use the Keyword Type drop-down to select the Keyword Type, enter the Keyword Value in the Keyword Value field that is to be automatically assigned as a default Keyword Value to documents matched to this Advanced Capture form, enter the name of the XML node in which the default Keyword Value will be contained in the documents' XML data renditions, and then click Add.


      While XML node names may include alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), or periods (.), they must begin with either a letter or an underscore.


      Once XML node names are added and the configuration is saved, the names will be added to the XML Node drop-down list for future selection.

      In the example above, the XML node name DocNote is assigned to the default Keyword Value RECEIVED for the Status Keyword Type. This means that the RECEIVED value will be listed within the DocNote node in the XML rendition's DOCUMENTDATA section.

      Repeat for as many default XML nodes as you would like to assign to default Keyword Values for documents matched to this Advanced Capture form. To modify a default XML node rule, double-click it in the Keyword Type/Keyword Value/XML Node list or select it from the list and click Modify. To delete a default XML node rule, select it from the Keyword Type/Keyword Value/XML Node list and click Delete.

    • To assign a Keyword Type to keep track of the order of line items on documents matched to the Advanced Capture form:

      In the Sequencing Keyword Types for Multi-Instance Groups section, select a Keyword Type that is to be assigned a numerical value representing the order in which the instance of a Multi-Instance Keyword Type Group appears on the document.


      Only Keyword Types assigned to the Document Type specified as the Assigned Document Type for the Advanced Capture form can be selected from the Keyword Type list. Only selected Keyword Types that belong to an MIKG configured for Line Item Extraction Data Field Zones will be assigned the sequential value when the document is processed.

      In the example illustrated above, the Sequence Number Keyword Type is configured to be assigned the sequential value of the instance of the MIKG when the document is processed. The value will correspond to the line number on which the instance of the MIKG appears.

      If you have multiple MIKGs configured for the Document Type assigned to the Advanced Capture form, you can select a different sequencing Keyword Type for each MIKG. If you select multiple sequencing Keyword Types for the same MIKG, only the first Keyword Type is assigned the sequential value.

    • When all scan queue and/or Keyword Value rules have been configured, click Save.