Common Issues - Advanced Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 23.1

When I attempt to extract Keyword Values from an image using Point and Shoot Indexing, the text values that are returned are consistently incorrect and/or scrambled.

Most likely, the cause of this problem is the quality and/or resolution of your image. Try performing Point and Shoot Indexing on a “cleaner” image file.

It is considered a best practice to ensure that an image has a resolution of at least 300 dpi in order for acceptable results to be returned when performing Advanced Capture or Point and Shoot Indexing upon it.

I have been having trouble with the Advanced Capture engine incorrectly mistaking some alphabetic characters for numeric characters (i.e., reading INVO1CE instead of INVOICE). In order to prevent these indexing errors, I enabled the Allowed character types filtering option to prevent numeric characters from being recognized in fields that are only supposed to contain alphabetic characters. However, instead of routing the documents for manual indexing as I expected, the Advanced Capture engine now correctly reads the value.

When the Allowed character types filter options are used, the Advanced Capture engine is better able to “guess” what character SHOULD be read.

For example: you are using Advanced Capture to read the value INVOICE from a document, but the engine occasionally has trouble distinguishing the I from a 1, and returns the value as INVO1CE. If the filter options are used to prevent Advanced Capture from reading numeric characters for that value, the engine will favor the I character over the 1 character, and will be more likely to return the value correctly as INVOICE.


If the Advanced Capture engine, however, is confident that the value is, in fact, a 1 and not an I, then the 1 character will be replaced with a tilde (~) and the value will be marked as suspect.

But, if you are not using the filter options to prevent Advanced Capture from reading numeric characters, the engine will have no reason to favor the I character over the 1 character, other than its normal character recognition logic. Only if the engine is unsure of, and gives a high suspect level to, both the I and the 1 characters will the value itself be marked as suspect.

How can I configure the Date Format for Date Keyword Values?

The Date Format of any captured Date Keyword Values will match the workstation's regional format.

For example, if your processing workstation is set to use English (United States) as its workstation locale, then all captured dates must be in the MM/DD/YYYY format.

If you are attempting to capture Date Keyword Values in a format that does not match the workstation's regional format, then you must configure one of the following:

  • a VB script for the Data Field Zone configured to parse the value into the correct format

  • a regular expression match for the Data Field Zone configured to apply the correct format to the value with the Applied data format setting

Batches processed through Advanced Capture are not respecting the zoom and highlight features during the indexing process.

This issue can occur if both the Image Window Workstation Option is set to resize and no zoomed area has been saved on the image. To resolve this issue, do one of the following:

  • In the OnBase Client, select User | Workstation Options to open the Workstation Options dialog box. On the Document tab, in the Image Window section, select Default Window.

  • During indexing, right-click on the image in the Working window, and select Image Zooming | Save Zoomed Area.

For the changes to take effect, either re-launch the OnBase Client or return to the batch status queue list and re-enter indexing for the batch.

After being processed, documents exhibit poor image quality.

This issue can occur if documents are scanned or swept in a format other than JPEG compression and then undergo a type of processing through which the documents are recreated (e.g., Advanced Capture processing). If the Use JPEG compressed TIFF as default color image format option is enabled in the Global Client Settings, then the documents will be recreated using JPEG compression when they are processed.

While JPEG compression reduces file size, it also reduces image quality. If you repeatedly compress and decompress the same documents, they will progressively lose quality. To prevent the image quality from deteriorating, consider disabling the Use JPEG compressed TIFF as default color image format option in the Global Client Settings. For more information on this option, see the System Administration module reference guide.