Process Locks - Advanced Capture - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Advanced Capture

Advanced Capture
Foundation 23.1

Another administrator is configuring Advanced Capture forms for a scan queue, and I am trying to configure Advanced Capture templates for a different scan queue. We have sufficient Advanced Capture licenses available, but I keep getting a message that I am locked out.

I am attempting to configure Advanced Capture forms, but I keep getting a locked message even though no other users are currently logged on.

Only one OnBase administrator can access the Advanced Capture configuration interface at a time, regardless of the number of Advanced Capture licenses that are available. If another administrator is currently using the Advanced Capture configuration interface, then you will not be able to access it until that user has exited it.

You can check to see if another user is currently configuring Advanced Capture by viewing the Process Locks in the OnBase Client by clicking Admin | Utilities | Process Lock Administration.

If you are getting the locked message and you are sure that no other users could be using the Advanced Capture configuration interface, it is possible that a process lock was not removed when a user exited the Advanced Capture configuration interface.

For information on process locks, including information on deleting unnecessary process locks, see the System Administration module reference guide or help file.