Encrypting Items for Configuration - Agenda Media - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Agenda Media

Agenda Media
Foundation 22.1

In the MediaPublisher.exe.config file, there are two values that need to be encrypted. Those value are:

  • SharedKey in <Application> settings

  • AppServerUserName in <Connection> settings

  • AppServerPassword in <Connection> settings


Before you encrypt these values, you must place the unencrypted SharedKey value and AppServerPassword value (your AppServerUserName password) in the .config file and then save the file. If you used certain special characters for the Password or SharedKey, you must replace them with xml escape characters in order for the encryption to work properly. Characters that must be replaced include: & (replace with &amp;), > (replace with &gt;) and < (replace with &lt;). For example, if your password or SharedKey is Test>&<123, you would enter, Test&gt;&amp;&lt;123.

To encrypt items in the config file:

  1. Open the directory where the Media Publisher is installed. Typically it is located in the following directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\Services\Media Publisher.
  2. Open a command prompt. You can do this one of two ways:
    • In the white space of the open Media Publisher directory, press and hold the Shift key, and then right-click. Select Open command window here from the menu.

    • From the Start menu, type CMD. Enter cd, and then enter the location of the Media Publisher directory. It should look like the following:

      "C:\Program Files <x86>\Hyland\Services\Media Publisher"

  3. Press Enter.
  4. Type the following to encrypt the values in the config file:
    mediapublisher.exe /encrypt
  5. Press Enter. The SharedKey, AppServerUserName and AppServerPasword values in the MediaPublisher.exe.config file are populated with the encrypted values.
  6. Open the mediapublisher.exe config file in a text editor to verify that the values have been encrypted. Be aware that Notepad does not display the config file in a user-friendly format once the file is encrypted.

    If the Media Publisher service was running, you will need to restart the service before recording media. Essentially, you need to restart the Media Publisher service every time you make a change to the configuration file.