OnBase Configuration for YouTube - Agenda Media - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Agenda Media

Agenda Media
Foundation 22.1

Once Google and YouTube have been set up, there are configurations that need to be done in OnBase to authenticate the Media Server with YouTube.

To configure OnBase for the YouTube integration:

  1. Open the OnBase Config tool.
  2. From the Utils menu, select Media Services | Media Configuration | Media Publish Server. The Media Publish Server Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select your Media Publish server, and then click Settings. The Media Publish Server Settings dialog box is displayed.
  4. Click Authentication. The Media Authentication Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  5. To set up the Client ID/Client Secret, in the first field, enter the client ID created in step 5 from Create OAuth Consent Screen.
  6. Enter the shared key from the MediaPublisher.config file in the Shared Key field.
  7. Click Create. The Authentication Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  8. Type the Client Secret in the Password field. The Client Secret was created in Create OAuth Consent Screen.
  9. To enter the email for the Google account, in the first field, enter the email for the Google account you created in Create a Google Account.
  10. Enter the shared key from the MediaPublisher.config file in the Shared Key field.
  11. Click Create. The Authentication Configuration dialog box is displayed.
  12. Type any password in the Password field. The Client Secret was created in Create OAuth Consent Screen.
  13. Click OK to complete the process.