After you have setup a YouTube account, before you can make uploaded videos public with the Agenda Media YouTube Integration, YouTube app verification may be required to prevent uploaded videos from becoming flagged as private during an upload.
To verify a YouTube application:
- Login to the Google account you created to work with your YouTube account. See Create a Google Account for more information.
- Navigate to the Credentials section located in the API section of the Google Cloud Platform.
Ensure that the OAuth 2.0 Client ID name includes the production environment.
For example, YouTube Production.
From the APIs & Services section, select
OAuth consent screen. The OAuth consent screen is
If the app is still in a Testing state, select Publish
Click Edit App to configure the OAuth consent screen.
The Edit app registration screen is displayed.
Type/modify information in the following fields:
- App name: Type or modify the name that will be referred to in your home and privacy policy pages.
- Logo: Upload an image used to identify the app.
- Application home page: Type a URL for a home page for the app. When creating a home page, use this website for guidance to address the points displayed in the following image:
- Application privacy policy link: Type a URL for the privacy policy for the app. When you create the privacy policy, consider how the application is used, and how the user data is shared. Include a link to the Google API Services User Data Policy. Use the following image as an example:
- Terms of service: This is an optional field, but you may include a URL to your terms of service.
- In the Authorized doamins section, you need to verify ownership of your domain. This must be a top private domain (for example, will not work, but will work). The Home page a Privacy Policy must belong to a domain that is proven to be owned. You can verfiy ownership of the domain by navigating to the Search Console website.
Click Save and Continue. The Scopes screen is
Click Add or Remove Scopes. Add the following
- YouTube Analytics API: '.../auth/yt-analytics.readonly'
- YouTube Data API v3: '.../auth/youtube' scope
- YouTubeData API: '/authyoutube.force-ssl'
- Select each of the scopes you added, and click Update. Ensure that the scopes are added to either the Non-sensitive scopes or Sensitive Scopes sections.
Type an explanation as to how the scopes will be used in the How
will the scopes be used? text box.
Scopes are used to livestream, upload, and assign descriptions and titles to the videos of a users YouTube account.
- Click Save and Continue.
- Click Save and Continue on the next on the Optional Info screen.
- Click Back to Dashboard to complete the process.