Enable Google API - Agenda Media - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Agenda Media

Agenda Media
Foundation 23.1

To fully integrate YouTube with the Media Server, you must enable the appropriate Google API's.

To enable Google API's:

  1. From a browser, navigate to https://console.developers.google.com. The Google Cloud Platform dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the country where you reside, and then select the Terms of Service check box to agree to the Google Cloud Platform terms of service.
  3. Click Agree and Continue.
  4. In the Google developer console web site, log in to the Google account you created earlier.
  5. Do one of the following to create a project for the API's:
    • Click the Select a project option next to the Google APIs heading.

      The Select a project dialog box is displayed. Click New Project in the upper-right corner.

    • From the Dashboard section, click Create Project. This option is available from the Dashboard only if this is the first project you are creating.

    The New Project screen is displayed.

  6. Enter a name for the project in the Project name field.
  7. Click Create. The project name is displayed in the Google APIs drop-down field.
  8. Select one of the following to view the API Library from the project screen:
    • Click the Enable APIs and Services option from the top of the screen.

    • Select the Library option from the side panel.

    The Welcome to the API Library screen is displayed.

  9. Scroll down to locate the YouTube APIs. There are three APIs that must be enabled:
    • YouTube Data API v3

    • YouTube Analytics API

    • YouTube Reporting API

  10. Select each API individually, and then click Enable for each one.

    After you enable each API, you must navigate back to the API Library screen, as shown in step 8, to select and enable the remainder APIs.

  11. To view the enabled APIs on the Dashboard, from the Google APIs menu, select APIs & Services > Dashboard.

    The enabled APIs are displayed on the bottom of the Dashboard.