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Agenda Voting

Agenda Voting
Foundation 23.1

Agenda Voting provides the ability to communicate the voting process of agenda items to the public. This solution allows voting members and support personnel the opportunity to electronically view items and supporting documentation on the agenda and to electronically cast votes on motions. The Voting solution also provides a more automated and effective approach to recording the events of the meeting to make it easy for the supporting personnel to follow along and manage the meeting as it is in session.

The Voting solution consists of six main applications that all work together to give you a seamless meeting process. The applications that work together include:

  • OnBase Agenda. This is the application used to configure meeting members and meeting creation. See the Agenda module reference guide for more information.

  • OnBase Minutes. This application allows the meeting administrator to run the meeting and voting processes. See the Minutes module reference guide for more information.

  • Voting Client. This allows voting members and support personnel the opportunity to follow along with the meeting and to electronically cast votes on motions.

  • Voting Display. This application provides the ability for the public to follow along with the meeting in the meeting room as it progresses.

  • Application Server. This facilitates real-time communication among all the clients. See the Application Server module reference guide for more information.

  • Board Meeting service. This facilitates real-time communication among all the clients.