Voting Display Configurations - Agenda Voting - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Agenda Voting

Agenda Voting
Foundation 24.1

Items that can be configured in the Voting Display include:

  • Override directory

  • Scrolling speed

  • Minutes to display the meeting upon completion

All configurations take place in the VotingDisplay.exe.config file. This file can be located in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\BoardMeeting\Voting Display directory on your local drive.

To configure options in the Voting Display:

  1. Open the Voting Display configuration file.
  2. Locate the <Hyland.VotingDisplay> section.
  3. In the Views settings, there are four configuration options as follows:
    • OverrideDirectory . This allows you to override styles that have been added to the Voting Client. If you have your own .cshtml files with styling options for the Voting Display Client, you can enter the path to the files here. This directory will need to be a sub directory inside the Views folder. Otherwise, the default is Overrides. Each node under the Views node is named accordingly. Set the override attribute to "true" to enable the style, or leave it at "false" to use the default view.

    • ScrollSpeedVertical . If the text is too long in the Display, the vertical scrolling option is enabled. You can control the scrolling speed by modifying this setting. The larger the number, the slower the scrolling.

    • ScrollSpeedHorizontal . If the text is too wide in the Display, the horizontal scrolling option is enabled. You can control the scrolling speed by modifying this setting. The larger the number, the slower the scrolling.


      This setting applies to the Voting Results screen, and is used when a voting name is used when a voting name is too long, or when there are several voters.

    • ScrollEndPause . When scrolling reaches the end of the horizontal or vertical display, this value controls how long the pause is before the text continues to scroll. This value is in milliseconds.

  4. To configure the minutes to display the meeting upon completion, in the <Hyland.VotingDisplay> section, locate the <Timeouts> settings.
  5. Set the AfterMeetingEndedDefault Minutes option to the value you want. The default value is 60. After the time expires, the display returns to the default screen.
  6. Click Save to save the configuration file.
    There are additional configuration options that provide the ability to customize the Voting Display for your specific environment. Customization options include:
    • The option to display the long or short title of agenda items

    • The option to display the speaker position

    The configurations for these items are found in .cshtml files in the following location:
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Hyland\BoardMeeting\Voting Display\Views Once a .cshtml file has been changed, you should move the modified file into the Shared directory. When an upgrade occurs, files in the Shared directory will override the default values, and your customizations will not be replaced.
  7. To modify setting in the .cshtml files:
  8. Navigate to the directory listed above.
  9. Depending on what you want to customize, access one of the following .sshtml files: