Logging in to the Voting Display - Agenda Voting - Foundation 24.1 - Foundation 24.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Agenda Voting

Agenda Voting
Foundation 24.1

The login option displays only if the username and password information in the configuration file is not encrypted. When this information is encrypted, the Voting Display automatically logs the user in and the Voting Display screen displays automatically.

To log in to the voting display:

  1. Double-click the Voting Display icon. The Login dialog box is displayed.
  2. Type your user name and password in the appropriate fields, and then click Login. The Voting Display screen is displayed.

    You must log in with a user that has not been used to log in to OnBase Minutes or the Voting Client.


    The Voting Display client always opens in full screen mode. In order to exit the client, you must press the Esc key.

One of the following is displayed:

  • If no meetings are currently in session, this verbiage is displayed on the main screen. The next meeting information is displayed in the green bar on the bottom of the screen.

  • If a meeting is already in session, the Voting Display opens to the point in the meeting that is currently active.

  • In the green information bar at the bottom of the screen, either the current meeting information is displayed, or information for the next meeting is displayed.

When a meeting has started, the meeting information is displayed on the screen.