Creating the Agenda Items Data Provider - Agenda - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier


Foundation 22.1

The Agenda Items Data Provider returns data on Agenda Items assigned to meetings.

The Create Data Provider Wizard is used to create new data providers. To create a new data provider:

  1. From the Dashboard Viewer, click Administration from the bottom of the Dashboard Gallery screen, and then click the Create new Data Provider button from the Data Provider Administration ribbon of the Unity Client:
  2. At the How would you like to create the data provider? page:
    • Click Create new Data Provider to create a completely new data provider.

    • Click Copy an existing Data Provider to use an existing data provider as the template for a new data provider. The process is the same as creating a completely new data provider except the options are pre-configured with the information from the data provider that was copied. The pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider, unless otherwise noted.

    • Click Convert reports from Report Services to use an export file from Report Services to create a custom SQL data provider.

  3. If you clicked Create new Data Provider, the What would you like to name this data provider? page is displayed.

    If you clicked Copy an existing Data Provider, the Select the data provider to copy from page is displayed. You can search for a data provider to copy by typing the name of the data provider into the Search bar in this page. Select the data provider to copy, then click Next. The What would you like to name this data provider? page is displayed.


    When a data provider is copied, the options in the remaining pages are pre-configured with the information from the data provider that was copied. Unless otherwise noted, the pre-configured options can be changed or edited to reflect the requirements of the new data provider.

    If you clicked Convert reports from Report Services, the Select Reports to Convert page is displayed. Click Browse to select a Report Services export file (.xml) to import. The file is imported as a Custom SQL data provider. Multiple Report Services export files can be added on this screen.

    To edit the details of each individual import, double-click on the file in the list. The What would you like to name this data provider? page is displayed.

  4. Type a name for the data provider in the Name field. The name should be unique and allow the data provider to be easily distinguished from other data providers.
  5. Type a brief description of the data provider in the Description field. The description should briefly explain what the data provider is and what type of data a user can expect to retrieve from it.
  6. Select Log data provider execution to include the elapsed time of data retrieval and runtime parameter information for this data provider in the History log. Data requests for the data provider are always logged in the history even if this option is deselected.
  7. Click Next. Unless you are converting data from Report Services, the Select the type of data you would like to report on page is displayed. If you are converting data from Report Services, the Edit SQL query page is displayed.

    If you copied an existing data provider this page is not displayed. You cannot change the data provider type for copied data providers.


    The data providers available depend on the modules licensed for your system. The Custom SQL Query and Document Query data provider types are available to all systems with Reporting Dashboards.

  8. Select Agenda & Minutes.
  9. Click Next. The Configure Query dialog box is displayed.
  10. Select {color:#bf2600}, one of the available Agenda Item Data Sources {color} from the Select Course field.

    Data sources are pre-configured and cannot be modified.

    The display columns and input parameters available for the Agenda Item Data Source are displayed in the Configure Query dialog box.

  11. Select the columns you want to display on the dashboard from the Display Columns tab. Most of the column names are straight-forward, but the following is a list of columns that may need clarification:
    • ID. This is the Agenda Item ID

    • Agenda Item Number. This is the outline characters.

    • User Name. This is the user name of the submitter.

    • Submitter. This is the real name of the submitter.

    You can also select All to display all columns, or None to display no columns.


    You must select at least one item to display in the display columns.

  12. Select the Input Parameters tab. The input parameters are displayed.
  13. Select the parameters you want to allow on the dashboard from the Input Parameters tab. Most of the column names are straight-forward, but the following is a list of columns that may need clarification:
    • usergroupname. This is the submitter group name

    • Time. This is the time of the meeting.

    • IsClosed Session. A 0 represents a non-closed session, whereas a 1 represents a closed session.

    • Name. This is the user name of the submitter.

    You can also select All to display all columns, or None to display no columns.

  14. Click Next. If Input Parameters were selected, the Provide default values for the input parameters dialog box is displayed. If no Input Parameters were selected, continue to step 16.
  15. You can select from the values provided to filter the initial query on the dashboard. For example, if you select the ellipsis button next to each field, a dialog box is displayed listing available parameters.

    Select the parameters you want, and then select the check box that is displayed to include the label(s) as a filter.

    Click OK to return to the Provide default values for the input parameters dialog box, and to display the selected parameters.

  16. Click Next. The Choose the display columns for the data provider dialog box is displayed.

    If the Restrict user input to select list values option was selected in the Edit SQL Parameter dialog box, you are required to select a default value for the select list prior to selecting display columns for the data provider. Select a value from the drop-down select menu and click Next. The Choose the display columns for the data provider dialog box is displayed.

    The display columns available depend on the data provider type being configured. If the data provider being configured allowed you to pre-select the display columns available, only the display columns selected earlier in the configuration process are available.

  17. Select a display column to include it in the results, or deselect it to hide it.

    In order for users to be able to open a document directly from a dashboard, the system Keyword Type Document ID must be included as a display column.

    Click None to deselect all display columns or click All to select all display columns.


    A preview of the type of data that is returned with the display columns selected is displayed in the preview pane at the right of the list of display columns. If the data returned is not acceptable, select different display columns or click Previous to reconfigure previous aspects of the data provider.

  18. To reorder the display columns, drag-and-drop the column headings in the preview pane to put them in the desired order.
  19. To rename a display column, double-click the name in the list, and type the new name in the field provided. Click anywhere outside the field to save the changes.

    Display column names must not be blank or end with a space.

  20. Click Next. The Who should have access to the data provider? dialog box is displayed.
  21. To grant access to a new user, click Add. The Select Users dialog box is displayed. Only users and users groups with access to Agenda are listed.
  22. Click Next. The Summary dialog box is displayed. Review the information in the main pane to confirm that the data provider is correctly configured. If not, click Previous to return to the various configuration dialog boxes so that changes can be made.
  23. Click Finish. The data provider is saved and is available for use with dashboards.
  24. This process can be repeated to create the additional Agenda data providers:
    • Agenda Item Data Source - Exludes Closed Session
    • Unassigned Agenda Item Data Source
    • Unassigned Agenda Item Data Source - Excludes Closed Session