Creating a Text Overlay - Agenda - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier


Foundation 22.1

To create a text overlay:

  1. On the Administration tab, from the Packet Configuration section, select Text Overlay. The Text Overlays layout displays:
  2. On the Administration tab, click New. The New Text Overlay dialog box displays:
  3. In Name, type a name for the text overlay.
  4. From the Overlay Type drop-down list, select one of the following:

    Overlay Type


    Closed-session agenda item placeholder

    The overlay is for a closed-session agenda item placeholder.

    When generating the packet, these overlays are included on a blank page.


    You cannot use Agenda Item Properties when the Overlay Type is set to Closed-session section placeholder.

    Closed-session section placeholder

    The overlay is for a closed-session agenda section placeholder.

    When generating the packet, these overlays are included on a blank page.

    Excluded agenda item supporting document placeholder

    The overlay is for an excluded agenda item supporting document placeholder.

    Meeting packet - Running page overlay

    This overlay is applied to all pages within a meeting packet. If you want a running overlay to start on a specific page, use the Supporting document - Running page overlay option.

    Supporting document - Running page overlay

    This overlay is applied to all the pages of an agenda item's supporting documents that are included in a packet. Agenda item specific variables can be used in this type of overlay. Item Page Number and Item Total Pages page counts that are used in this type of overlay are specific to an agenda item, while Running Page Number page counts apply to the entire packet.

    Agenda document - Running page overlay

    This overlay is applied to all the pages of the agenda document within a packet.

    Supporting Document - First Page Only

    This overlay is applied to all the pages of the entire packet. Page counts that are used in this type of overlay are relative to the entire packet. Agenda Item level variables can not be used in this type of text overlay.

    Supporting Document - Last Page Only

    This overlay is applied to the first/last page of an agenda item's supporting documents that are included in a packet. Agenda item specific variables can be used in this type of overlay.

  5. In Text, type text for the overlay. Variable text is also available. When the packet is generated, all variables are replaced with data.
  6. Click Insert Variable. The Text Overlay Configuration screen is displayed.
  7. Select a variable from the Variables pane. The configuration options are displayed.

    The number of configuration options available for a particular variable is displayed in ( ) after the variable name.

  8. Double-click a configuration option to move it to the Text box.
  9. Click Apply. The Text Overlay Configuration window is closed.

    The following tables list the options available for each variable.

    Meeting Properties



    Inserts the meeting name variable: <%Meeting.Name%>.


    Inserts the meeting date variable: <%Meeting.Date%>.


    Inserts the meeting time variable: <%Meeting.Time%>.


    Inserts the meeting location variable: <%Meeting.Location%>.

    Meeting Type Name

    Inserts the meeting type name variable: <%Meeting.TypeName%>.

    Section Properties



    Inserts the agenda section name variable: <%Section.Name%>.

    Section Text

    Inserts the agenda section text variable: <%Section.Text%>.


    Inserts a selected agenda section field variable: <%Section.FieldValue([numeric ID of the field type])%>.


    If multiple fields on the agenda section have the same field type, the first field returned from the database is used.

    Agenda Item Properties


    Short Item Title

    Inserts the short item title for the agenda item variable: <%AgendaItem.ShortItemTitle%>.

    Agenda Item Type Name

    Inserts the agenda item type name variable: <%AgendaItem.TypeName%>.

    Agenda Item Number

    Inserts the agenda item number variable: <%AgendaItem.AgendaItemNumber%>


    Inserts a selected agenda item field variable: <%AgendaItem.FieldValue([numeric ID of the field type])%>.

    You can choose from either Legacy fields or Unity fields. If one type of field has not been configured, the field type is displayed with a (0) next to it.


    If multiple fields on the agenda item have the same field type, the first field returned from the database is used.


    Agenda Item Properties are not applicable when the Overlay Type is set to Closed-session section placeholder or Agenda packet - Running page overlay.

    Date Document Generated


    Date Document Generated

    Inserts the date the document was generated variable: <%DateDocumentGenerated%>.

    Page Numbering


    Running Page Number

    Inserts the running page number relative to all the pages in the entire packet document:


    Item Page Number

    Inserts the item page number relative to all the pages from an agenda item's supporting documents:



    This option is not applicable when the Overlay Type is set to Closed-session section placeholder or Agenda packet - Running page overlay.

    Item Total Pages

    Inserts the total number of pages from an agenda item's supporting documents:



    This option is not applicable when the Overlay Type is set to Closed-session section placeholder or Agenda packet - Running page overlay.

    Packet Total Pages

    Inserts the total number of pages in the agenda item packet:



    The options described in this step are also available when clicking the Insert Variable button.

  10. In Max Width, type the maximum width of the text overlay. 0 indicates an unlimited width.
  11. In Font Attributes, specify the following:

    Font Attributes


    Font Name

    The name of the font.

    Font Size

    The point size of the font.

    Font Color

    Select the color of the font from this drop-down list.

  12. In Font Text Attributes, specify the following:

    Font Text Attributes


    Opacity (Percentage)

    The opacity of the font text, as a percentage.

    Rotation (Degrees)

    The rotation of the font text, in degrees.

    Scale (Percentage)

    The scale of the font text, as a percentage.

  13. In Alignment, select one of the following areas for the overlay's anchor point:



    Top Left

    The anchor point will be in the top left corner of the page.

    Top Center

    The anchor point will be centered at the top of the page.

    Top Right

    The anchor point will be in the top right corner of the page.


    The anchor point will be in the center of the page.

    Bottom Left

    The anchor point will be in the bottom left corner of the page.

    Bottom Center

    The anchor point will be centered at the bottom of the page.

    Bottom Right

    The anchor point will be in the bottom right corner of the page.

  14. In Horizontal Offset (Inches), specify how far from the horizontal axis from the default position that the overlay will appear.

    You can enter values between 999.99 and -999.99.

  15. In Vertical Offset (Inches), specify how far from the vertical axis from the default position that the overlay will appear.

    You can enter values between 999.99 and -999.99.

  16. Click Save. The text overlay you created is displayed in the Text Overlays pane.