The Create or Update Agenda Item from Document action allows you to use an OnBase document or E-Form to add, update, or clear legacy agenda items in Agenda. You can also use this action to create Unity Form-based agenda iteml.
Before configuring this action, ensure that you have completely configured all necessary items in Agenda. See the Workflow documentation for more information.
An Agenda license is required to configure and use this action.
This action allows you to use a document (typically an E-Form) to add, update, or clear agenda items. Before configuring this action, ensure that you have completely configured all necessary items in the Agenda client.
This action is only supported in the Core-based Client and Unity Workflow interfaces.
As a best practice, this action should only be used as a System Task when you are creating a new Agenda Item and the Agenda Item Primary Key can be set to Constant Value of 0.
Exporting this action requires a destination database that already contains a meeting type or agenda item type.