Click Supporting Document to add a supporting document to the selected agenda item.
Supporting documents cannot be added to Unity form templates using this option. This functionality is disabled unless you are modifying a Legacy form. If you need to add supporting documents to a Unity form, you can do so only if the attachments option has been added to the Unity form. See Setting Property Controls for Attachments for more information.
Select one of the following:
Add From OnBase- Select to add a supporting document from OnBase.
Add From File- Select to import a supporting document from the file system, a scanner, or a camera using the Import window.
If a meeting has been run in Minutes, either an Administrator or a user with meeting write and edit privileges can add a document to an agenda item.
Supporting documents that have been attached to the selected agenda item are displayed beneath the agenda item in the Meeting Agenda pane. Double-click a supporting document to view it.
Right-click an attached document to see the following options:
Exclude document from packet. This excludes a document when an agenda item packet is generated.
Remove packet from agenda item. This removes the packet completely from the agenda item.
Mark file confidential. This marks the attached document as confidential. This means that the file is included in the meeting packet, but is not part of the publishing process.
Once a document has been marked as confidential, the menu item changes to Remove confidential mark so you can change it back to it's original status.
Supporting documents added in Minutes view do not display in the Agenda view. See Viewing Meetings in Agenda or Minutes View for more information.