Master Detail with Sources - Application Builder - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Standard - Essential - Premier

Application Builder

Application Builder
Foundation 23.1

A Master Detail with Sources screen is a collection of source groups and sources that can be linked throughout an application. This type of screen can be used to retrieve documents, access a full list of sources, or combine a variety of functions in a single interface.

This type of screen is a base of your application. Resources configured here are then available at a Quick Access screen for better user experience.

The image below presents an example of a Master Detail with Sources screen:

Element Description
A: Application Title

The title given to your application. Clicking it allows you to get back to the main application screen.

B: User settings and logout

You can log out of application using or

edit settings, such as the application display mode (light or dark).
C: Tabs with other screens You can click a screen name to change the screen.

The currently selected screen name is underlined.

D: List of sources

A list of all sources configured for the Master Detail with Sources screen, grouped as configured by the administrator.

You can click a source name to access it. Its name becomes highlighted when clicked.

E: Keyword Type pane

The pane allows you to look up particular documents, using their indexed keywords.

It is available for types of sources that allow the look-up function, such as Custom Query, or Document Retrieval.

The optional user instructions are available under the "i" icon.

F: Actions

You can click an action link to execute the action directly from the Master Detail with Sources screen.

G: Retrieved documents pane

The pane allows you select and view documents.

It is available for types of sources that allow the look-up function, such as Custom Query, or Document Retrieval.