Associating Keyword Types, Unity Form Fields, or WorkView Attributes - Application Enabler - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Application Enabler

Application Enabler
Foundation 22.1

Specific Currency Keyword Types are not currently supported for use with Application Enabler.

After selecting Document Types, the Keyword Types Configuration dialog box is displayed.

This screen allows you to associate Keyword Types, Unity Form fields, or WorkView attributes with the configured screen.

You can filter the Available list using the Filter By Group and Filter By Type drop-down lists. These two drop-down lists work together to narrow down the items that are displayed for easy selection and configuration. The Filter By Group drop-down list includes the following:

Filter By Group


Combined View Types

When selected, the Available list displays any Combined View Types associated with the Document Type(s) that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the available Combined View Types.

Government Modules

When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the OnBase government module selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the Plan Review selection, which is for the Electronic Plan Review module.

Healthcare Modules

When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the OnBase healthcare module selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the following OnBase healthcare modules:

  • DeficiencyPop

  • RAC Audit

  • Patient Window


The ChartPop, DeficiencyPop, and LongitudinalPop options are maintained for legacy purposes only. For new medical deployments, please use the OnBase Patient Window.

Selected Document Types

When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the Document Type(s) that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the Document Types that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

Unity Form Templates

When selected, the Available list displays any Unity Form fields associated with the Unity Form template selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains a list of Unity Form templates.

Workview App

When selected, the Available list displays any WorkView attributes associated with the WorkView class that is selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

The Filter By Type drop-down list contains a list of WorkView classes.


The following WorkView attribute Data Types are not supported for use with Application Enabler, and are not displayed during configuration: Text, Formatted Text, Document, Date/Time. External classes are not supported for use with Application Enabler. Multiple level relationships (for example, AssignedEmployee.Manager.FullName) are also not supported.

  1. If you are configuring a Keyword Type, select the Keyword Type in the Available list and click Add.

    Keyword Types that are mapped to system properties are available for configuration. See >>Document Date, >>Document Handle - From, >>Document Handle - To, >>From Date, >>Non-keyword Hotspot, and >>To Date for more information.

    If you are configuring a Unity Form, select Unity Form fields in the Available list and click Add.

    If you are configuring a WorkView attribute, select the attribute in the Available list and click Add. Nested attributes are displayed with a + symbol.

  2. To configure additional options, select an item in the Selected list and click Settings. The Keyword Settings dialog box is displayed.
  3. By default, Application Enabler reads the rows on the screen from the top to the bottom to locate the keyword value. To reverse this behavior and have the rows on the screen read from the bottom to the top, select Read rows from the bottom to the top.
  4. Select one of the following options:
    • Location is based on Row and Column

      To set the precise location of the keyword value on the line-of-business application screen based on the row, column, and width of the keyword value, select this option.

    • Location is relative to a Tag

      To set the location of the keyword value on the line-of-business screen based on a tag value, select this option. You can specify a text string or a valid regular expression for locating keyword values. This option allows for greater flexibility when keyword data may not be located in a consistent row or column.


    The Location is relative to a Tag option can only be used with text screens that use Copy to Clipboard or OCR functionality.

  5. If you selected Location is based on Row and Column, identify the Row and Column location of the keyword on the line-of-business application screen. Enter the maximum Width of the Keyword Value. The width can be longer than the value as long as it does not overlap any other text.
  6. If you selected Location is relative to a Tag, specify the following:
    1. Specify the Tag value. The tag value is the area on the line-of-business screen in which a tag—a text string or regular expression that always precedes a keyword value—can always be found. This value is case-sensitive. If the tag value is a regular expression, select the Tag is a regular expression check box.
    2. Specify the Tag occurrence. If the tag value appears on the screen more than once, specify which occurrence of the tag value to use.
    3. If necessary, specify the Row Offset and Column Offset. The row and column offset determine where the keyword value is located in relation to the tag value. These values can be between -500 and 500. For example, a Row Offset and Column Offset of 0 would indicate that the keyword value is on the same row as the tag value, and the keyword value begins immediately following the tag value.
    4. Enter the maximum Width of the keyword value. The width begins in the column immediately following the tag value. The width can be longer than the value as long as it does not overlap any other text. Any leading spaces are automatically stripped from the keyword value.
  7. If you are using OCR, click View OCR text to view the text recognized by the OCR engine.

    For example, when configuring OCR for the following screen:

    The following results are displayed:

    Close the OCR results text file and continue configuring the application.

  8. If you are using OCR, click Test Keyword to display the text scraped from the location and size coordinates in step 5 or 6, depending on which step you followed.

    The text displayed in the field above the Test Keyword button does not respect settings configured on the Strip, Parse, or Append tabs. Settings configured on the Strip, Parse, or Append tabs will still be applied to scrape events at run time.

  9. The General tab also allows you to set a Keyword Type as a required keyword by selecting the Required keyword check box. See Setting a Keyword as Required for more information.

    You can also set the options for stripping, parsing and appending in the Keyword Settings dialog box. See Settings for more information.

  10. Click OK.

    Multiple screen locations can be mapped to a single Keyword Type. To map another screen location to a Keyword Type, repeat the above steps for the new associated location. When a new location is associated with a keyword that already is mapped to a screen location, the keyword name is followed by an incremental number in parenthesis, used to distinguish between the different mapped screen locations. Example: The second mapping of the Vendor Name Keyword Type to a screen location results in a Keyword Type name of Vendor Name (01). The third mapping results in a Keyword Type name of Vendor Name (02).


    WorkView attributes, Unity Form fields, and module-specific Keyword Types can only be mapped to a field once.

  11. If you want to change required keyword or stripping settings, click Settings. See Settings for further information. If a Keyword Type is the date or currency data format, the appropriate tab will also be available. See Currency and Date Keyword Formatting for information on currency and date formatting.
  12. Click Next to continue configuring.