Select Document Types - Application Enabler - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Application Enabler

Application Enabler
Foundation 22.1

The Document Type(s) dialog box is displayed:

  1. Select the Document Types to search when retrieving OnBase documents through the line-of-business application. If you want to display all documents related to a screen, select all the Document Types that a user could possibly need from this screen. If you want to display only documents most relevant to a screen, select only the Document Types that most closely relate to the screen. Cross-referencing can be used to find other less closely related documents. Hold down the Ctrl key while selecting Document Types to select multiple Document Types that are not consecutively listed. Hold down the Shift key while selecting Document Types to select multiple Document Types that are consecutively listed.

    A Document Type is not required if you are configuring Healthcare Module Keyword Types or WorkView attributes.

  2. Select one or multiple (using the Ctrl or Shift keys) Document Types from the Available list and click Add to add them to the Selected list. To add all Document Types, click Add All.
    To remove one or multiple (using the Ctrl or Shift keys) Document Types from the Selected list, select the Document Type(s) and click Remove. To remove all Document Types, click Remove All.
  3. To filter available Document Types by Document Type Group, select a Document Type Group from the Filter By drop-down list.
  4. Click Next to continue.

    Specific Currency Keyword Types are not currently supported for use with Application Enabler.

    After selecting Document Types, the Keyword Types Configuration dialog box is displayed.

    This screen allows you to associate Keyword Types, Unity Form fields, or WorkView attributes with the configured screen.

    You can filter the Available list using the Filter By Group and Filter By Type drop-down lists. These two drop-down lists work together to narrow down the items that are displayed for easy selection and configuration. The Filter By Group drop-down list includes the following:

    Filter By Group


    Combined View Types

    When selected, the Available list displays any Combined View Types associated with the Document Type(s) that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the available Combined View Types.

    Government Modules

    When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the OnBase government module selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the Plan Review selection, which is for the Electronic Plan Review module.

    Healthcare Modules

    When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the OnBase healthcare module selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the following OnBase healthcare modules:

    • DeficiencyPop

    • RAC Audit

    • Patient Window


    The ChartPop, DeficiencyPop, and LongitudinalPop options are maintained for legacy purposes only. For new medical deployments, please use the OnBase Patient Window.

    Selected Document Types

    When selected, the Available list displays any Keyword Types associated with the Document Type(s) that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains the Document Types that were selected on the Document Type(s): screen.

    Unity Form Templates

    When selected, the Available list displays any Unity Form fields associated with the Unity Form template selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains a list of Unity Form templates.

    Workview App

    When selected, the Available list displays any WorkView attributes associated with the WorkView class that is selected from the Filter By Type drop-down list.

    The Filter By Type drop-down list contains a list of WorkView classes.


    The following WorkView attribute Data Types are not supported for use with Application Enabler, and are not displayed during configuration: Text, Formatted Text, Document, Date/Time. External classes are not supported for use with Application Enabler. Multiple level relationships (for example, AssignedEmployee.Manager.FullName) are also not supported.

  5. If you are configuring a Keyword Type, select the Keyword Type in the Available list and click Add.

    Keyword Types that are mapped to system properties are available for configuration. See >>Document Date, >>Document Handle - From, >>Document Handle - To, >>From Date, >>Non-keyword Hotspot, and >>To Date for more information.

    If you are configuring a Unity Form, select Unity Form fields in the Available list and click Add.

    If you are configuring a WorkView attribute, select the attribute in the Available list and click Add. Nested attributes are displayed with a + symbol.

  6. The Application Enabler Configuration selection box is enabled. Move your mouse until the selection box encloses the line-of-business application field you wish to associate.
  7. To configure additional options, select an item in the Selected list and click Settings. See Settings for information on these options.

    Multiple fields can be mapped to a single Keyword Type. To map another field to a Keyword Type, complete steps 1-3. When a new field is mapped to a keyword that already is mapped to a field, the keyword name is followed by an incremental number in parenthesis, used to distinguish between the different mapped fields. Example: The second mapping of the Vendor Name Keyword Type to a field results in a Keyword Type name of Vendor Name (01). The third mapping results in a Keyword Type name of Vendor Name (02).


    WorkView attributes, Unity Form fields, and module-specific Keyword Types can only be mapped to a field once.

  8. Click Next to continue.