Application Enabler allows you to compose documents directly from the line-of-business application, using a Document Composition template.
To compose documents using a Document Composition template:
- Navigate to a screen in the line-of-business application containing data that you will use to compose a document.
- Perform the configured mouse/keyboard event on the line-of-business application screen.
- If you are not already logged on to OnBase, you are prompted to do so.
If you are not prompted by the Select Template Options dialog box, you have completed document creation. Depending on your configuration, the newly composed document may be displayed.
Proceed to the next step if you are prompted by the Select Template Options dialog box:
The Select Template Options dialog box is displayed:
- Select a template group from the Template Group drop-down list, or type the name of a template group. Selecting a template group is helpful when you have access to many templates.
- Select a template from the Template drop-down list, or type the name of a template. If you selected a template group, only the templates that belong to the selected template group are displayed.
Depending upon your configuration, you may or may not be able to select from the following check boxes in the Select Template Options dialog box:
Preview/Edit Document
Select to view and/or edit the document before importing it into OnBase.
Note:The composition preview is disabled if the template being composed contains secured Placeholders you do not have access to view, such as secured Unity Form Field or Unity Form Section Placeholders or security masked Keyword Placeholders.
Email Document
Select to create an email notification after the document has been created and archived in OnBase.
If the template being used to generate the document is configured to automatically send an email notification after a document is generated, you do not need to select this check box. The email notification will be sent according to the template configuration. If the template is configured to automatically send an email notification, selecting this check box allows you to send an additional email notification.
Note:The Email Document check box is only available to users that are able to send External Mail in OnBase.
View Document after Archiving
Select to view the document after it has been archived in OnBase.
- Select OK to begin creating the document, or Cancel to exit.
- You may be required to enter information in a prompt or an E-Form. If so, type in the provided field and click Accept or Submit.
If Preview/Edit Document was not selected, skip to step 14.
If Preview/Edit Document was selected, the document is displayed. Depending on your configuration, the template may be displayed as read-only.
Modify the document if necessary.
If you modify Keyword Values Application Enabler scraped from the line-of-business application that appear in the document, only the original scraped Keyword Values will be used when uploading the document.
Select from the following buttons on the Document Composition tab:
Saves the document.
Starts the document creation process over from the beginning.
Discards the document.
Prints the document.
Note:The Print button is only enabled for User Groups with Print privileges.
After clicking Accept, the Import dialog box is displayed:
The Keyword Values Application Enabler scraped from the line-of-business application are displayed. Specify additional Keyword Values if necessary, and supply any other necessary values to index the document.
Note:The Import dialog box may display multiple instances of the same Keyword Value. However, continuing to import the document saves only one instance of the value.
- Click Import. The document is imported to OnBase.
If you selected Email Document, the Email dialog box is displayed:
Specify the following on the Compose tab:
Type the email address of the sender.
Type the email address of the recipient. Separate multiple recipients with semi-colons.
Type the subject of the email.
Type the body text of the email.
- Click OK to email the document.