Formatting the Scrape Data XML - Application Enabler - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Application Enabler

Application Enabler
Foundation 23.1

After you display the AEPop link creation demo interface, you can format the XML data by removing elements which are not required as part of the link. This helps reduce the overall character count of the link.

The CONTEXT name field is required. The following elements and/or field values can safely be removed from the scrape data XML for the purpose of reducing the character count of the AEPop link:

  • The CONTEXT localename field value

  • The ADDITIONALINFO element

  • The HOTSPOT element

  • The SCREEN element

  • The DOCTYPE name field value

  • The KEYWORD name field value

  • Any KEYWORD value field values (if necessary)


Although you can safely remove the DOCTYPE name, KEYWORD name, and KEYWORD value field values, the DOCTYPE id and KEYWORD id field values are still required.


Context names are case-sensitive. Ensure that the character case of the context in the XML matches the character case of the context as it is displayed in Application Enabler. Incorrectly formatted contexts will not be recognized.


Do not remove entire value fields from XML elements if there are missing or empty values (e.g., KEYWORD value=""). Removing entire value fields that have empty values will cause silent errors to occur when attempting to access the AEPop link.

As you format the XML data in the first text box, the AEPop link that is generated in the second text box updates dynamically. A character counter is also displayed between the two text boxes. The counter displays the character count of the generated AEPop link the second text box.

The following example shows original unformatted scrape event XML data:

<SCRAPE> <ADDITIONALINFO GeneratedForLiveMode="0" GeneratedForDiscoveryMode="0" /> <CONTEXT name="Unity Client - Retrieval" localename="Application Enabler - Retrieve Documents" /> <DOCTYPE id="101" name="AP - Vendor Invoice" /> <DOCTYPE id="102" name="AP - Purchase Order" /> <DOCTYPE id="127" name="AP - Checks" /> <HOTSPOT name="&lt;&lt; Screen &gt;&gt;" AllowLiveDocumentRetrieval="1" AllowLiveException="1" MemorizeOnly="0" AlsoFireEvents="0" RequireMemorizedData="0" WarningLevel="0" AutoClearMemorizedData="0" /> <KEYWORD id="103" name="Customer Name" value="O&apos;Doyle Economical Imports" indexonly="0" dataType="10" /> <KEYWORD id="114" name="Invoice #" value="1220" indexonly="0" dataType="10" /> <SCREEN name="Accounts Payable" id="{3CB6FBFE-71BD-4C1B-B4C1-A3D17B51271F}" /> </SCRAPE>

The following example shows the previous XML data example, after it has been correctly formatted to remove unnecessary or unwanted data. The CONTEXT localename, DOCTYPE name, and KEYWORD name values were also removed.

<SCRAPE> <CONTEXT name="Unity Client - Retrieval" localename="" /> <DOCTYPE id="101" name="" /> <DOCTYPE id="102" name="" /> <DOCTYPE id="127" name="" /> <KEYWORD id="103" name="" value="O&apos;Doyle Economical Imports" indexonly="0" dataType="10" /> <KEYWORD id="114" name="" value="1220" indexonly="0" dataType="10" /> </SCRAPE>