Example of Parsing a Keyword Out of Window Title - Application Enabler - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Premier - external - Standard - Essential - Premier - Standard - Essential

Application Enabler

Application Enabler
Foundation 23.1

Scenario: An enabled application contains a window title with a name in it, which needs to be parsed out. The window title is mapped to a "First Name" keyword, and a "Last Name" keyword. The following example uses a pre-processing script to parse the First Name and Last Name values out of the window title.

Window title example: "Customer Name - John Doe. #15398"

  • Function FirstName(InputValue)

Declare a string to temporarily hold data.

  • Dim strTempValue

Parse out the first name value from the window title.

Assuming “Customer Name – “ will always be part of the window title, parsing will start at the 17th character.

To determine when the first name ends, which will be the first occurrence of a space after the 17th character, declare a variable to store the location of the first space, after the 17th character.

  • Dim intSpaceLocation

Using the InStr( ) function, determine the location of the first space after the 17th character

  • intSpaceLocation = InStr(17, InputValue, " ")

Parse the first name using the previous values

  • strTempValue = mid(InputValue, 17, intSpaceLocation - 17)

Return the parsed value by setting the function equal to the value.

  • FirstName = strTempValue

    End Function

    Function LastName(InputValue)

Declare a string to temporarily hold data.

  • Dim strTempValue

Parse out the last name value from the window title.

Assuming “Customer Name – “ and a first name will always be part of the window title, we will start after the first name.

Determine when the first name ends, which will be the first occurrence of a space after the 17th character.

Declare variables to store the location of the first space after the 17th character, and first period after the space.

  • Dim intSpaceLocation

    Dim intPeriodLocation

Using the InStr( ) function, determine the location of the first space after the 17th character.

  • intSpaceLocation = InStr(17, InputValue, " ")

Using the InStr( ) function, determine the location of the first period after the first space.

  • intPeriodLocation = InStr(intSpaceLocation, InputValue, ".")

Parse the last name using the previous values

  • strTempValue = mid(InputValue, intSpaceLocation, intPeriodLocation - intSpaceLocation)

Return the parsed value by setting the function equal to the value.

  • LastName = strTempValue

    End Function

The script in its entirety:

Function FirstName(InputValue)

Dim strTempValue

Dim intSpaceLocation

intSpaceLocation = InStr(17, InputValue, " ")

strTempValue = mid(InputValue, 17, intSpaceLocation - 17)

FirstName = strTempValue

End Function

Function LastName(InputValue)

Dim strTempValue

Dim intSpaceLocation

Dim intPeriodLocation

intSpaceLocation = InStr(17, InputValue, " ")

intPeriodLocation = InStr(intSpaceLocation, InputValue, ".")

strTempValue = mid(InputValue, intSpaceLocation, intPeriodLocation - intSpaceLocation)

LastName = strTempValue

End Function