Index - Application Enabler - Foundation 23.1 - Foundation 23.1 - Ready - OnBase - Essential - Premier - Standard - external - Premier - Standard - Essential

Application Enabler

Application Enabler
Foundation 23.1

Application Enabler allows you to populate index values for documents residing in the Disconnected Scanning module's Awaiting Index and Index in Progress scan queues.


The -AE:INDEX switch is not available for use with Disconnected Scanning Indexing. You must use the -AE switch to perform indexing using Application Enabler in Disconnected Scanning.

To index documents:

  1. In Disconnected Scanning, open the Awaiting Index or Index in Progress queue containing the documents to index.

    The user must belong to a user group that has rights to access the scan queue.

  2. Right-click on the batch to index and select Index Documents.
  3. Navigate to a screen in the line-of-business application containing data that you will use to index.
  4. Perform the configured mouse/keyboard event on the line-of-business application screen.
  5. The Keyword Values scraped from the line-of-business application are automatically populated in the Disconnected Scanning Indexing Window's keyword input fields.

    When indexing is used in conjunction with AutoFill Keyword Sets, the corresponding Keyword Values are automatically populated in the Disconnected Scanning module when a primary Keyword Value is entered in the line-of-business application.

  6. If more than one Document Type is configured for Application Enabler, you may have to select the appropriate Document Type, then click OK.
  7. If the indexing changes are not automatically saved, click Index.