A web application is any OnBase module installed to IIS that presents a web-based interface to the user. This includes, but is not limited to, modules such as the OnBase Web Server, DeficiencyPop, and the OnBase Patient Window.
If a module requires the OnBase Application Server to connect to OnBase but is not installed to IIS, that module does not require additional configuration as long as the Application Server is configured correctly (see Configuring the Application Server). This includes modules like the OnBase Unity Client.
Several OnBase modules can be optimized for non-interactive Active Directory authentication using the Optimize for Windows Authentication tool in the Web Application Management Console.
Before configuring any OnBase web applications, ensure that the identity running the application pool for the module is registered as the SPN. See Registering a Service Principal Name (SPN) and Configuring Delegation in Microsoft Windows.
To use the Optimize for Windows Authentication tool and configure a web application: