Upgrading from Version 13 and Earlier - Application Server - English - Foundation 22.1 - OnBase - external

Application Server

Application Server
Foundation 22.1

If you are upgrading from OnBase 13 or an earlier version, when attempting to use previously generated checksums with Pop integration URLs, the queries will no longer validate. Depending on how these legacy checksums were originally generated, you may be required to regenerate the Pop integration URLs:

  • If a unique string value was not previously configured to create the legacy checksums, you must regenerate the Pop integration URLs. A unique checksum key value is required for checksum creation and validation, and a URL created without a checksum key will not validate.

  • If a unique string value was previously configured to create the legacy checksums, you can still validate the URLs by taking the following actions.

Legacy checksums may be required for certain OnBase environments, such as environments where multiple versions of OnBase are used (for example, an Incremental Parallel Upgrade environment). If your solution requires checksums generated in OnBase 13 or earlier to still validate after an upgrade, then you must modify the following web.config setting for the Web Server:

  • In the Web Server web.config file, set EnableLegacyChecksumFallback to true.

If you are using a version 14 or later Application Server that will be generating Pop integration URLs to be used with a version 13 or earlier Web Server, then you must modify all of the following web.config settings for the Application Server and Web Server:

  • In the Application Server web.config file, set EnableLegacyChecksumCreation to true, and enter a checksum key value for the ChecksumKey setting.

  • In the Web Server web.config file, set EnableLegacyChecksumFallback to true, and enter the same checksum key value for the checksum setting. The values in the Application Server ChecksumKey setting and Web Server checksum setting must match exactly.

By default, the legacy checksum settings are set to false, allowing only new checksums to be validated. Setting EnableLegacyChecksumFallback to true will allow previously generated checksums to be used.

If EnableLegacyChecksumCreation is set to true, then EnableLegacyChecksumFallback must also be set to true. When both settings are set to false, checksums will be created using the new method and legacy checksums will not be validated.


It is recommended to keep EnableLegacyChecksumCreation set to false. If it is set to true to work with earlier OnBase versions, it should be set back to false once the earlier versions of OnBase Web Servers have been retired.