To enable Archive Services configuration for a content type in Microsoft SharePoint 2019:
- Open the document library or list that you want to configure.
Open the ribbon for the library or list.
Under Library Tools, click the Library tab.
Under List Tools, click the Item tab.
Access the library or list's settings.
From the right side of the ribbon, click Library Settings.
From the right side of the ribbon, click List Settings.
- From the Content Types section, click the content type that you want to configure for OnBase. If you do not see a Content Types section, complete the steps for allowing management of content types on libraries .
Under Settings, click
OnBase Configuration.
The OnBase Configuration screen is displayed.
Under Settings, click Archive Services. Additional settings may be available depending on the OnBase SharePoint integrations included in your solution.
The Archive Services screen is displayed.
Next to Enabled, select Enabled to enable Archive Services on the content type in the document library you selected earlier.
Archive Services must be enabled for documents to be archived to OnBase.
Note:If you do not enable Archive Services now, you can return and enable it later. If Enabled is not selected, you can still configure and save your settings, but documents won't be archived until you select Enabled and save the setting.
- Configure the available options as described under Configuring Archive Method Options.
When finished, click OK to save your settings.
If you configure a content type for scheduled archival, then you must restart the SharePoint Timer Service to ensure the new timer jobs will run. This service is administered in the Windows Services console.